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[ messages , irl ]

mom — bin's mom
robin — bin

hey mom

Hi sweetie!

are you busy this weekend

I mean, my wedding is tomorrow. After that, I'll be busy for a while because of my honeymoon. And then we're going to be settling in. So yes, I'm busy.
Why do you ask?

never mind then, haha


───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

bin sighs as she stuff her phone into her pocket. she decided to take willow's advice from yesterday. she texted her mom, hoping she would agree to meet up so they could talk out their issues.

"mint, please." kai tells the cashier behind the counter.

bin, kai, and willow are currently at some antique ice cream shop. as soon as kai saw that the bus passed it on the road, he begged mr vos to let them go to the store. at first, mr vos said no because it would be a pain to pull over and everything. but kai wouldn't give in. he kept asking and asking and asking. and eventually, mr vos told him to get out of his face and leave.

seeing as it's nearly midnight, kai was shocked to see that the shop was even open at this hour. but as soon as he laid eyes on it, he knew that he had to go inside and try every single flavor they offered.

"why did you want to come here so bad?" willow asks him, standing to his left as she reads the menu above the employee's head.

"because!" he groans, as though the reason is obvious. "this is my idol's favorite ice cream place!"

"your idol?" bin repeats, confused. she didn't even know that kai had an idol. but all of the sudden, he's obsessing over some random small shop on the side of a back road. simply because some stranger liked the place.

"yes." kai rolls his eyes.

bin looks over at willow, expecting her to be just as confused as her. but she actually seems to be excited about this stupid ice cream place. truth is, however, willow has listened to kai ramble about this specific building so much that she can't help but be genuinely shocked that they're now standing in it.

still completely lost, bin just glances around and pretends she understands the significance of the place. she looks over at kai and gives him an awkward thumbs-up. upon seeing his friends get excited as well, kai gets even more giddy about the whole thing – not knowing that bin is faking and willow is only a bit shocked.

"what would you like?" the employee asks bin, his voice monotone and fatigued. bin turns in his direction and gives a polite smile. when they make eye contact, the employee's entire facial expression changes. "holy shit!"

"huh?" bin says as she looks around, searching for the problem. "what?"

"you're robin grey!" the employee tells her. "you wrote my favorite song, bro!"

finally understanding that he's talking about her, bin puts on her professional facade. she loves meeting fans in public and likes to be real with them. but she also knows that she has to act a certain way to avoid any issues.

"really? which one?" she asks him with a tilt of her head.

"i'm ass at rememberin' titles and shit." he tells her, leaning forward on the counter to look at her closer. "it's about some dude you met when you were little. and y'all fell in love. but it ain't work out, y'know?"

"oh!" she says with a smile. "yeah, that one. i'm glad you liked it."

the one he's talking about is obviously directed towards matt. all of her fans like to guess who the songs are about. she's never confirmed anything, of course. but they've put together the fact that they're almost all about the same person. they just don't know who.

the employee just stares at her for a moment. not in a weird way, in the way where you just met a famous celebrity while working the night-shift. who wouldn't stare?

"can we take a selfie or some shit?" he asks her, beginning to pull his phone out of the back pocket of his work pants. "my bros won't believe me when i say i met you. i need some rock hard proof, y'know?"

"yeah, of course!" bin agrees. he hold his phone out in front of them. he makes a face at the camera while bin smiles behind the counter. he regains his composure and carries on with taking her order and making her ice cream for her.

willow, kai, and bin sit at an empty booth after they've all taken their orders. the whole building is empty except for them, so it was easy to find a vacant table.

when bin was talking to the employee, kai was pointing at small details of the place. he explained the reasoning behind every crack and crevice of the building while willow just nodded and smiled.

"did you know that guy?" willow asks bin, resting her head on kai's shoulder. bin is sitting across from the couple at their booth.

"no, he was a fan." bin tells her.

"yeah willow." kai says sarcastically. "how could you not tell? i mean, it was pretty obvious by the way he asked her for a picture."

"oh, i didn't see you guys take a picture." willow tells bin.

"it was just a selfie." bin tells her.

"oh!" kai says like he just remembered something important. "did you guys know that this exact booth was made in 1983?"

bin and willow glance at each other for a moment before they wordlessly agree to just smile and nod for the rest of the time they spend at the ice cream shop.

───── ─────
a/n : sorry guys idek if i'm posting late or not
i'm visiting my sister and i'm in a diff time zone

i have major jet lag and i'm sorry if it's late but istg it's 12pm for me here 🤞

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