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[ irl ]

after about an hour spent getting ready for the final show, bin walks out onto the stage with a bright smile on her face. she waves at the crowd and a cheer washes over them as the spotlights turn toward her.

"how are you doing, maine?" bin asks before tipping the microphone away from her mouth and pointing it to the audience for them to shout out an answer. they scream with excitement and she laughs, placing the mic into its stand.

she looks down at everyone but their faces are blurry. the light is still shining in her eyes so she's struggling to focus on their features. bin's used to being blinded by lights, though.

"i have a few things to say before we start this show." bin says into the microphone, her voice booming through the speakers above the stage. everyone cheers and she continues. "i'd just like to express how grateful i am to have experienced this tour with such an amazing group of friends backstage as well as a wonderful audience to interact with. i love you all with my whole entire heart."

another collection of cheers overtakes the crowd and bin smiles at how happy they sound just to simply be here with her. this feeling will never, ever get old.

she doesn't want to take up too much time with sappy speeches, so bin only gives a few more announcements before proceeding to do what everyone came here for. singing.

the first song she sings is one from her most recent album. it's a fan favorite and she loves how easy it is to hit every note. the meaning behind the song isn't very deep either, so she's careful not to get emotional so early on in the show.

crying is inevitable, though. she ends every concert with the same exact song. it's the first one she ever released as well as the most meaningful one to her personally. it's about matt and how they met as kids.

she wrote the song when she just moved. she was seventeen and wrote the lyrics in her spare time on napkins during her shift as a waitress. she was careful not to spill anything too personal to either her or matt. she just talks about how much he means to her and how it feels to have lost someone so dear to you after such a long time.

looking back at the song, bin feels like she wrote them dramatically. but she was seventeen when she wrote it. she was hurt and missed her best friend. it makes sense that now she cries every time she sings it.

"this is the final song of the night." bin announces. she's sitting on a stool now because her legs got tired and she was singing a slower song. "i'm sure everyone already knows which song i'm going to preform. but if not, i'll tell you now."

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