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[ irl ]

"why do you look so happy?" willow asks, noticing the way bin is grinning at her phone. "are you texting matt again?"

"what? no!" bin replies instantly. "i'm texting my dad, actually. he said he's in vermont and want to go to dinner tonight and talk about everything that's been going on lately."

willow has been bin's friend for years and knows almost everything about her family life. of course, she doesn't know everything due to personal shit. but willow knows enough to realize how exciting this is for her.

bin's dad is one of the most important people in her life. he's the one who raised her despite rarely being home. he taught her right from wrong. he was the one she confided in when she was upset. he showed her what it meant to be happy.

bin's mom is a great woman, but a terrible mother. she loves bin like any parent would, but she has her own life issues and doesn't care to focus on anything except for her own problems.

after her divorce with bin's dad and their move to new york, bin's mom worked three jobs and struggled to pay rent as a single mother. bin tried to help out by getting a job as a waitress while also trying to follow her dream with creating music. their relationship wasn't destroyed completely, but it was extremely distant. her mom only cared to reenter bin's life when they were finally financially stable — only due to the profit they made off bin's music, by the way.

and since bin was so desperate for a parental figure, she didn't care to pay attention to the fact that her mom was using her. she only wanted to form a good relationship with her daughter to make sure bin wouldn't cut her out of her life because she still needed the money bin made off her songs.

"what time do you need to leave to meet him?" willow asks.

"i'm gonna leave in half an hour." bin says with a childishly excited grin plastered across her face. she literally cannot wait to see her father. they text and call pretty frequently, but bin hasn't physically seen him since she was seventeen — when she and her mom moved to NYC after the whole divorce issue.

───── ─────

"hey, robs." bin's dad welcomes his daughter as she approaches him and takes her seat across from him.

they're sitting at a small wooden table that's pressed against the glass of a floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking a small lake. the water reflects the sunset, turning the horizon into a million different hues of orange and yellow. it's beautiful.

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now