Chapter 7

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I came back out and waved at the survivors. They left the trees and headed toward me. Ben looked at the store with watchful eyes, "Are you sure there are no more zombies in there?"

I nodded, "I checked every aisle and the back area. Chloe was with me and she didn't find anything either."

Ben nodded at Hank, who drew his sword and entered the store. We waited by the entrance with an eye on our surroundings. A minute later Hank reappeared with his sword sheathed and waved us over. We all entered the grocery store and Hank ensured that the door was closed and secured behind us. He had ripped a metal handle off a mop bucket and twisted the piece of metal around the handles like a twist tie. I was somewhat impressed at his ingenuity.

I also made a mental note to dodge any punch he may throw my way. That big boy could possibly do some damage. The group enthusiastically scoured the store to pick out their favorites. We all seemed to gather in the open produce area just to the side of the main door. Hank had shoved the produce stands to form an open square in one corner. As soon as I sat down on the floor, Liz came to take up residence in my lap.

Marissa had a big pot of noodles soaking in cold water. I glanced at the Mr. Noodle wrappers, that type didn't really need cooking and I had even eaten them dry on some occasions. I grabbed my scavenged can opener and picked out a can of pineapple. It had been a long time since I had found pineapple.

I slowly savored the fruit while Tom and Marissa talked with Ben. Nicky occasionally put in her two cents, usually with a sarcastic twist. The children, Hank, and myself remained silent and simply listened. Ben looked over at me, "Do you plan on ever taking off those sunglasses?" He had been glancing at me on and off all evening.

My answer was short and clipped, "No."

He frowned, "And why not?"

I exhaled in irritation at his obsession with my sunglasses, "I have some eye damage and any reflection of light causes me problems. Even the glint of the sun reflecting off of those shiny cans on the shelf would be an issue if I took them off."

He snorted, "Right. I bet it is just your way of looking cool."

I had to clamp down on my temper. His tone was setting off my instincts and they wanted to put him in his place. I turned my head to face him and kept my voice aloof, "I lured four zombies into a spray park and lived in a remote cabin for months, why would I need sunglasses to look cool?"

Nicky snickered, "I think I have to get some sunglasses. Perhaps it will give me that dangerous aura that you somehow give off while just sitting there."

I knew I wouldn't be able to manage a poker face with her comment so I simply smirked at her. Which she found hilarious. I thought that I had been hiding my Nightstalker side very well, so I was surprised when she had mentioned that I had a dangerous aura. Guess I had better work on that if I wanted to blend in.

Ben shook his head, "You two are just far too alike." Nicky grinned at his comment while I kept the smirk plastered on my face as I wondered what the hell he meant. Other than being a bit grouchy, I didn't think Nicky and I had anything in common other than the fact that we were short.

Nicky finished her trailbar and got up to walk over to the turning display of sunglasses.

Nicky tried on a couple pairs and struck a pose, "Hey Hank, do these make me look sexy or dangerous?"

Hank merely shrugged with disinterest. I noticed that Marissa was turning red in embarrassment. Ben shook his head with a grin, "Like an old granny."

The pair of sunglasses bounced off of his head as Nicky turned back to the display. She talked to herself and to us while she debated the pros and cons of each pair of sunglasses.

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