Chapter 99

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We pulled the truck into the garage. Nina got out and looked at me, "Mind accompanying me to the lab? I would love another blood sample and I want to check that cut. You haven't let me near it since I first cleaned it."

To my surprise, my amusement momentarily trumped my irritation. I smirked as Nina was obviously trying to use that as an excuse to get a look under the bandage. My other scabs were long gone, but Daniel still sported a few scabs from his deepest scratches.

I exhaled gustily as my irritation won, but still followed her to the lab. Nicky tagged along to avoid being put to work. Nina pulled out cleaning supplies as I sat on a tall stool. Nicky chose an office chair on wheels and slowly started spinning herself around in it.

Daniel had taken a seat in a chair by the counter while watching Nina as she started working the bandage loose. Nina carefully peeled back the bandage and blinked in surprise. I kept a straight face even though I felt like gloating.

The scab had come loose this afternoon and I had removed it. I had kept the bandage on just to mess with Daniel's head. He would have no clue as to when the scab had come off. My deep cut was healed, yet his larger scratches were still scabbed over.

Nina shook her head, but looked amused, "I should have known. You are doing this just to get under Daniel's skin, aren't you?"

I bared my teeth in a grin, "I bet it is working."

Daniel snorted lightly, "Not as much as you are likely hoping."


Daniel found my reaction amusing, "I may have to bribe Nicky into spilling the secret somehow..."

I raised an eyebrow and cocked my head as I pretended to consider the odds, "I bet if you let her color your jacket and wore it for three days along with the rainbow socks and shoes that she might agree."

Nicky perked up, "I like that idea, but make it a week and he can't cover it up like you did."

"Not a chance." Daniel clearly was not that desperate to learn the secret.

I shrugged, "Well, it would be one way to wear out her felts."

Nicky shook her head with a grin, "Those things will never die."

Daniel declined a response. I narrowed my eyes as Nina picked up a blood collection needle in her hands, but I let her take two vials of blood. Nina capped the vials, "Thanks. Are you ever going to tell Daniel, even if he doesn't figure it out in a month?"

I made a face, "If he doesn't figure it out in a month, then he needs to go back to zombie school."

Daniel tilted his head, "I missed the enrolment deadline for that and I haven't found a tutor willing to enlighten me. Perhaps you can take pity on me?"

"Since when did you become an eloquent poet?"

Nicky interrupted Daniel's response as she launched into a wildly off-key song, "Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes, Hold back the river, so I-" She cut off suddenly and we just stared at her, trying to figure out what the hell she was going on about. If her mind ever short circuited, we were in for a ride.

Nicky blinked in surprise, "Whoops, wrong song... That was supposed to be Cry Me A River, not Hold Back The River..." She shrugged, "Easily fixed. The bridges were burned, now it's your turn, to cry... Cry me a river..."

I was about ready to plug my ears when Nina interrupted her, "That actually gives me a really good idea!"

Nicky looked at her like she had lost her mind, "You might need your head checked. No one has ever liked my singing."

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