Chapter 134

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I covertly watched Logan and John as we rode in the back of the truck, but was mostly focused on Logan. I still wasn't entirely sure of this man's angle or why he traveled with us. John was easy to figure out. He was coming for his brother and figured that it was safer traveling with two zombies. The various stops were almost like a tourist trip for him.

Logan was a different story, especially considering how he and I had met near that pit. He had claimed that he wanted a transfer from where he had been, but we had stopped at well over a dozen locations since picking him up and he had never shown any inclination of remaining there.

As a general rule, humans were not at ease with zombies. There were a few exceptions like Nina, Nicky, and Liz, but they were few and far between. After what Logan had gone through with those Nightstalkers, it surprised me that he even considered coming anywhere near Daniel or myself.

Logan had managed living on his own away from a Stronghold for weeks, so the thought of traveling alone wouldn't bother him. Neither did zombies. He had lain in ambush for days waiting for those three Nightstalkers. His fighting skills were also good enough to win against a feral Runner or possibly even a feral Nightstalker. Yet he claimed he wanted to travel with us for protection. Needless to say I was not exactly buying his story.

He had surprised me when he had vouched for me at that Stronghold gate as well as when he tried to assist me earlier today when the other man was angering me. It had not crossed my mind that he would try to help me. He had no reason or motivation to do such random acts of kindness for a zombie he barely knew.

This trip was very boring and many such thoughts rolled through my mind. In the end, I was no wiser and was still unsure why Logan had decided to travel with us. It just didn't line up. I regarded the silent man who was watching the scenery in boredom.

I may have to get him alone and get to the bottom of this... That was easier said than done though. I didn't want the others to be aware of my intended interrogation and Logan rarely went off by himself.

I will just have to watch for my chance.


Nina sighed as she dropped her stuff on the bed in the back room. I stood in front of the living room window as I examined the evening sky. The others were unpacking their sleeping bags and such. Daniel had predictably taken up residence in the armchair.

Tiny footsteps behind me alerted me that Liz once more found me the most interesting person to hang around with. I had no idea why the child found me so fascinating, especially when I never encouraged her, or even smiled at her. I was a pessimistic lump on a log and just about as exciting. Apparently Liz thought differently.

"What are you looking at?" Her voice was soft and curious.

I glanced down at the small child as she took and held my hand, "Nothing really. Just watching."

I tried to subtly free my hand from hers without her noticing, but had no success. This child reminded me more and more of an octopus all the time. Why on earth was she so clingy? Or more specifically, why did she have to be clingy toward me?

My instincts detested the contact. I pushed my instincts aside as I reluctantly let her hold my hand. We would probably be back at Ironwind within four days and someone would be more than happy to adopt her.

I heard John talking to Logan, "Feel like taking a stroll around the Stronghold? The evening is too nice to sit around indoors."


Both of them walked out the door. I didn't blame them. After sitting in a truck all day, I didn't want to sit either. It would be at least an hour before sunset though.

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