Chapter 67

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I sat in a chair in boredom and watched as Nina put slide after slide under the one microscope. I felt my instincts retreat slightly as the sun rose. Another tremor rolled through my muscles.

Nina glanced up before glancing at her watch and noting the time down. "Once Louise comes I will send her off to the bigger machines and see what images they can give us. I am not seeing anything on this, although I didn't really expect to with a microscope this small."

Nina picked up the blood pressure cuff and other tools again. She was taking my vitals every hour. Nina's frown told me that they had not improved. She noted everything down and put the stuff back on the counter.

Nina looked at the clock, "I am surprised that Louise hasn't shown up yet. It is 9am. Daniel, could you possibly track her down and bring her here? She may have heard that Trinity and I are here and decided to work elsewhere."

Daniel nodded and left the room. He had left earlier to let Nicky know where I was so she wouldn't worry too badly. My vision hazed over and I sighed once I could see again, "My vision just went again, took about five seconds to clear."

Nina nodded and jotted it down along with the time. I wasn't sneezing or coughing, which was a relief as that would have opened up a huge can of worms. A plate of fruit sat untouched on the counter, Nicky had sent it back with Daniel since she knew I loved fruit, but I had no appetite. It wasn't unusual for me to skip a meal, especially if I hunted recently.

The enforced idleness irritated me, but there was no way to avoid it. There was no way for me to really do anything with my vision taking frequent vacations and my muscles acting up. I picked up my book again and tried to lose myself in the story without success.

I gave up trying to read before too long. I tilted my head as I listened, "I wasn't aware that Nicky knew where the lab was, but those are definitely her footsteps clomping down the stairs."

Nina's head shot up in surprise, "Neither did I. If she touches anything in here, I will break her fingers."

Nicky's head poked around the doorframe before she sighed and entered the room, "I was beginning to wonder if they tied you up and just claimed that you were helping out down here. How exactly are you helping by sitting in a chair?"

My absence would have been immediately noticed by the population at breakfast, so Daniel had spread the word that I was helping in the lab today. I rolled my eyes, "They lied. In truth they are trying to help me figure out what the hell is going on."

Nicky glanced at Nina in suspicion before dropping into a nearby chair, "Huh?"

"I had always been told that zombies don't get sick, but we are pretty sure that I am breaking that rule."

She blinked in shock as she looked me over, "Well, you don't look sick to me..."

I sighed, "That is a good thing since I am not feeling 100%."

Nicky tilted her head in confusion, "So what is wrong?"

I shrugged and glanced at Nina. Nina shrugged as well, "It isn't something I have heard of or seen before, but I had always thought that zombies couldn't get sick so it wasn't something that I ever looked into. Zombies usually do not make good patients."

I grinned somewhat ferally in agreement. I had never been a good patient, even before I turned into a zombie. I was just too bloody stubborn. Daniel's footsteps descended swiftly down the stairs before I heard another door down the hallway open. His furious snarl made all three of us jump. I eyed up the door warily as his footsteps approached. I growled lowly as I picked up his rage-laden scent.

The Virus Within (Original rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now