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(continuation of
'romance dawn')


"Alright, so...I can't get inside the base through the gate, but maybe- maybe...maybe what if I get inside flying? I can grab onto a bird or something." Luffy says and you turn to him with wide eyes.

Sometimes he'd think too reckless which you 100% didn't support at all, but of course you'd stick by him at all times. get ahold of yourself, [name]- maybe how about you think reckless sometimes eh?

"That's a terrible idea." Koby replied which made you nod in agreement- Luffy gives you a side eye with a more like 'come on why aren't you backing me up?' look.

Yeah . . .. why aren't you?

"Also, keep your voice down. people could probably hear us." you added while looking around nervously, your eyes landed on one male in particular- wait . . .

you recognized that green hair and those swords, "a bottle for me, and one for my friend. he's had a rough day."

that voice, you recognized that too. Luffy was trying to get your attention but you just ignored him.

quickly turning away you didn't want him to see you, maybe you were probably just lucid dreaming again? that had to have been it, right?

you know more than you're letting on . . .

hearing something shatter you quickly turned around. "you stupid, stupid girl." you heard a man say as he stared at the little girl angrily.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?"

'It's not like she did it on purpose', you thought while glaring at the man.

"Rika, apologize to our guest." the waitress says, the little girl eyebrows furrowed and you felt a little sad for her.

"I'm...I'm so sorry." The little girl apologizes.

The man starts mocking her. "'I'm so sorry!' next time, I won't be so nice." he says.

"You dropped my food." Zoro says while kneeling down to pick it up, he collects some of the rice off the floor and takes a bite. "Mmm. delicious."

this makes the little girl smile, you felt a grin playing on your lips as well.

"Now you eat one." Zoro tells the man, "and apologize to the girl."

The man scoffs and steps towards him, "do you know who I am?" he asks.

Zoro looks him up and down, "A shithead marine with a bad haircut." he replied.

Ooo, fight time! exactly what was needed with hundreds of people watching. yay! how exciting . . ..

The man grunts and pulls out his sword, getting into a fighting stance.

"I wouldn't do that." Zoro warned, you watched with an amused look on your face while leaning your cheek against your hand.

"Oh, come on, tough guy. three swords?" The man laughs, "I only need one."

You then turned to Luffy, "I'm going to sleep. astral projection.." you whispered and Luffy shook his head.

"Don't you dare." Luffy said with a slight glare, you gave him a small thumbs up while nodding.

"I'm doing it."

"I said not to."

"I'm gonna do it."

"please stop."

Koby watches with a confused look while scratching the side of his head, looking between you and Luffy, "Do you two always act like this?"

Both you and Luffy paused, he had his hands on your wrist while you were about to fall asleep.

The two of you turned to him, "It's our routine." you replied.

closing your eyes you felt your physical form leave your current one, making you slump in luffy's arms.

"And they still did it." Luffy says with a sigh while wrapping his arms around you and letting you sleep.

with crossed arms and out of your physical body you watched the fight, with koby hiding underneath a table.


it was now around nighttime, you were back in your physical body and staring up the stars, "I can't stop thinking about that fight." Koby said, you were laying in between them both.

"That guy was amazing." Luffy added while smiling, you don't bother to say a word because you knew him- you knew Zoro. but it's better if you keep your mouth shut, but that's like lying, right?

"And what's with the third sword? I mean, where does it even go?" Luffy inquires.

you shrugged, still not uttering a single question or word.

"No. he had to protect that little girl from the marines, who were supposed to be protecting her." Koby said, "It doesn't make any sense."

You hummed in thought. "well, if there are good pirates, there's bad ones too. then, there's gonna be good ones and bad ones too sometimes."

Luffy turns to koby with a smile. "you'll be one of the good ones." he says.

Koby turns away. "Maybe alvida was right. I don't know anything about the world."

"Man, to hell with alvida. her world does not revolve around you, okay? make your own world, build your own people. be who you want to be." you said, "there is a whole bunch of time for that to happen. alright?"

Koby sighs, "Yeah, but I knew who I was. now I have no idea."

you stared at him for a long moment before shrugging, "so you're gonna let this woman control your life? it doesn't matter anymore. she's gone, you don't have to worry about her. you have us- I mean, Luffy. you have him to show you that you can be yourself." you say.

Koby then turns to look at you, the two of you locked eyes. then he turns away, going silent again.

"Hey, koby. koby! I need to get into the base and find that map, and I could use some help." Luffy said while sitting up.

you sat up as well. "you want him to help you steal from the marines? are you crazy!?" you scold.

"Kinda- no. of course not." Luffy replied but then placed a hand on koby's shoulder, "how about you help me get the boat ready. you can handle that, right?" he asks him.

"I guess so." Koby replied.

your eye twitches out of frustration and you sigh, "what are you gonna do?" you ask.

Luffy sends you a grin, "I'm working on that." he replied.


I'm hoping this is better than the other chapter, now I like this one better. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ;) also, astral projection go brrrrrrrr lol [I love y'all]

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