Chapter 1

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Thomas, arrived at the slate quarry and the first engine he sees is, Toby the tram engine. Toby rang his bell at, Thomas who whistled back.

Toby: (smiles at him) hello there, Thomas!

Thomas: (frowns sadly) hello, toby...

Toby: (concern frown) what's wrong, Thomas?

Thomas: big bully diesel 10 is back, toby!

Toby/???: What?!?

There was another voice, but this time female as we see, Mavis oiled in before honker her horn as she came to a halt while hauling some trucks with load full of rock as, Mavis look like she was gonna implode as she exclaimed-

Mavis: that diesel is back?! What is HE doing here?!

Thomas: he came here to help out, but I doubt he'll be ever happy to work with us.

Mavis: I doubt that too, Thomas. But I must ask: what'd made you think he came here to work?

Thomas: I do not know, I just thought so.

Mavis: understandably so, but I must go now. (Hooonk!) I must head down to brendem docks to deliver this rock. Shunt some trucks into the hoppers and organize them with, toby will you? Thanks!

Mavis, then piled away with the trucks behind her as, Thomas sighed sadly as, toby said to him now smiling.

Toby: cheer up, Thomas.

Toby, was about to say something next before the tank engine cut him off by saying.

Thomas: there's nothing really much to cheer up about, toby. It's bad enough when diesel 10 came back here, to the island but while sir topham hatt is away? That's worse.

Toby: I know it's not exactly good but look on the bright side; even if the fat controller leaves, and diesel 10 around on the island. And the more we work hard there'll be less diesels to help.

Thomas: (gives a small smile) yeah, I guess you're supposedly right. Thank you, toby.

Toby: anytime, Thomas. Now let's get to shunting shall we?

Thomas: oh yes! Let's do it!

So Thomas and Toby got to shunting the trucks, Thomas biffed and bashed the trucks and filling them up with rock, whilst Toby bumped them gently and filling the said trucks as well. Thomas, backed up onto some troublesome trucks filled with rock, Thomas whistled as he puffed out of the quarry to deliver the rock to brendem docks whilst, toby stayed behind to shunt as, Mavis got back with the empty trucks and helped, toby as, Thomas left the quarry to go to the docks.

Thomas: (narrating) my good-to-bad day just got good again thanks to, Toby's words: "the more we work hard there'll be less diesels to help." Which made me feel good, no offense to the diesels that are friendly, like Mavis, Boco, daisy, Derek, and salty!

Thomas, arrived at the docks and the first engine he see's is salty the dockside diesel. Salty, took notice of, Thomas as he smiled and honked at, Thomas 2 times before he asked in his same pirate accent.

Salty: Argh! Hello, there Thomas!

Thomas: (smiles) hello, salty!

Salty: (looks at the rock filled trucks) I see you got the rock here in just a nick of time!

Thomas: you're welcome, salty.

Salty: oh, and by the way, 2 engines came here early today!

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