Part 10

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"So...." Bonzy trails, glancing at Charlie as they both return to the ladder they'd originally climbed after leaving the events. "There some history there?"

"I don't like her wife," Charlie replied plainly, his voice edged.

"Yeah... I got that. Why?"

"She nearly killed me and Mr.Stein because we had something she wanted, a long time ago." Ah, well that'd explain it.

"On purpose, or-?"

"I don't know, and I'd like not to." They continued on and when they got down the ladder, Charlie sighed, "it's a shame. Susie was a smart woman before."

"Susie?" These are new names.

"I'll tell you later."

"Okey dokie," Bonzy replied evenly, hoping to lighten the air a bit as they followed Charlie towards another platform, where he tore down a poster and climbed through a wall. Charlie probably wouldn't even tell them later anyways. So they decided not to question it by this point, swinging their new toy a bit. This will be perfect for my world domination.


"-alright, honey. I understand." An echoing voice of a woman reaches Bonzy's ears as they follow Charlie through more twists and turns and halls. It's a testament to how well Charlie knows this place simply by his confident navigation. "It's not every day one gets to bask in the glory of... an angel. " Bonzy snorted, opening their mouth to comment on this lady's clear self-obsession line when Charlie's hand claps over their mouth.

They send him a sharp look for the physical intrusion but only find Charlie with a finger to his lips as he leads them out to a ledge, crouched fully against the corner of a wall. He points to the grand library-like room with a table in the center, finger still on his lips, just as Bonzy hears Audrey's voice. "An angel?" She sounds a little rough.

Bonzy peers around the corner and sees Audrey sitting a little weakly in a chair at the far head of the table, and the echo-y voice returning is what draws their attention to the woman at the head of the table closest to themself and Charlie. "Alice Angel, to be exact. That's who I am. Sent from above." The figure spans her inky arms up and out like a choir child who thinks they're more special than they truly are. Bonzy leaned back to Charlie, dropping their voice to a low whisper.

"I've met Alice? She was nice-...ish" Charlie nodded his head a little, eyes glued to the speaking 'Alice'.

"You met one of the two. I call our nicer one Allison. This is Malice, Mr.Stein coined the name." There it was again with this Mr.Stein fellow. Bonzy feels he's important to this plot somehow, yet they're sure they haven't met anyone introducing himself as a 'Mr.Stein'. Or maybe they have and they just forgot. A likely case. Audrey speaks, low and incredibly untrusting in a way she'd never sounded before as she asks the woman what she wants.

" Malice Angel," Bonzy whispered with a grin, "how horrible, I love it." Charlie sent them a brief smirk before training his attention back on the two ladies seated at the heads of the table. It was after Malice laughed deviously that they realized the many dark-colored Lost Ones sat around the table in between the ends, bags over their heads and hands bound. Bonzy raised their eyebrows as they pushed the rim of their hat up to get a better look . What a devious contraption this thing must be.

"Ah, right to the chase," exiting her chair at the head, Malice follows the line around the table slowly towards Audrey, incredibly dramatic and theatrical in her tone and presentation. Bonzy might wanna ask her for theater lessons after this is over(and if they're all still alive), "I like that." She clicked her tongue, "the truth is, honey. You're one of a kind and, to put it bluntly, what I want... is your face removed." Bonzy reeled back a moment, Charlie's sturdy hand on their back keeping them in place. Bonzy was all for evil monologues and such, but that was... yeah.

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