Part 2

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Bonzy: "This guy has ISSUES- and I don't want to know what caused them."

My Editor: "WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT TO KNOW? * distressed *"

Also, my Editor at the DON'T KNOCK scene: "side note: when i got to this scene, i seriously thought this lost one and "Phil" were like exes. xx whoopsie"


Audrey sat against the iron door, locked and holding, against the demon on the other side. Charlie let go of Bonzy once they were in the clear, fingers flexing in front of them as he hissed.

"Are you stupid ?"

"A little."

"You could have been cut to pieces!"

"Could have."

Charlie shook his head, rubbing a hand across his golden eyes as he nodded to them, "...that was some good grandstanding."

Now, of all the things that Bonzy expected, that certainly wasn't it. They expected angry scolding and yelling about all things reasonable. Not... a compliment. Bonzy mentally shrugged, they'd take what they can get. Nice, another day without being scolded, they grinned as Audrey pushed off the metal door, sighing full-body, shoulders slumped before pulling herself up and fully facing the two. Bonzy waved to her while Charlie shifted towards the room to their left, candles and writing on the walls.

"Alright, let's... let's find a way out of here. Alice told me to go up to higher floors." Bonzy nodded.

"Oh yeah, I met someone who said the exact same thing." Charlie then looked up from where he was poking around in the room in front of them, a pinched expression on his face.

"Get out of here? Go up? No, no, no," he shook his head and reapproached the two, "if you wanna get out of here, you need to go down. Deeper into the studio. The upper levels are safer , with less Lost Ones... but not if getting out is your goal." Audrey paused and seemed to think this over seriously, tapping a finger against her chin while her Gent-pipe was resting across her chest idly.

Words on the wall behind Charlie drew Bonzy's attention as they approached, they read, "He walks among the believers." 'He'? That could be anyone, but it was probably the Ink Demon. Behind them, Charlie and Audrey spoke about a way out of this place as Bonzy stared up at the hung body of a... Lost One, bag over their head.

Didn't know this was a hang-out spot, they snorted at their own joke, peering around the room some more. Wonder if there's a cult or a Civil War going on or something? It definitely looked like it. This wasn't the first body Bonzy had seen hanging like that. It was kind of worrying though when thinking about Bendy and his pals being connected to this place where Bonzy's looking at a hanging body. It's like Dark Disney.

To their right is a slip of paper, sitting on a desk in the light, a smudged figure with a hole in the center of their chest adorning the yellow-stained page. Then again, everything was stained yellow in this world.

As they continued down the hallway behind the hanging body, they found a few vents ripe for the breaking. It's then that the Ink Demon is whispering in their ear once more, "The Ink boils and swells..." Bonzy rolls their eyes and turns towards the small hiding place at the end of the hallway. "I am the Ink Demon... this realm is mine..." Good to know, Bonzy commented in thought when pressing their fingers along the dusty box, kicking up some of the yellow and gray speckles. Scrunching their nose, they immediately sneezed, hearing more gurgling in their ear. "You were born from it. You belong to it." It was then that they noticed a tape recorder on the box. Poking around it, they found the 'play' button.

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