So sorry

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Takes place sometime after the Season 14 premiere.


After a terrible ambush on her safe house in Syria almost left her dead, Keane knew he couldn't take care of Hetty on his own with her being as shaken up as she was. So, he improvised a little and got them both out of Syria and to where Nell and Eric were staying so she could try and recover.

'How is she?' Nell asked when Keane put her to bed.

'Lucky to be alive. The whole safe house was completely destroyed. She hasn't slept well, or much at all in the last few days, and she's been having nightmares as well. Light sedatives are more or less the only way she can sleep for a few hours.' Keane somberly replied.

'That's awful! Has she eaten much?'

'Not much. And truth be told, I think she might be feeling a bit ill.'

'Well, I'll try giving her tea when she wakes up. Maybe it'll help.'


'Mmm. I haven't smelled anything that good in quite a long time!' Hetty said when she smelled the tea.

'I know you love this tea, said it helps soothe an ailing stomach, and Keane said you might be feeling ill.' Nell replied.

'I don't know for sure if I am, but I haven't felt great either.'

'Hope I made it exactly right.'

Sip sip sip.

'Mmm. Feels like I'm back at home in my office at the end of a long day.' Hetty said, then shed a light tear.

Rubbing her shoulder. 'What's wrong?' Nell asked.

'The past few days, it feels like every traumatic thing I've ever gone through is just racing through my head at high speed, and I can't shut any of it up! I left my fake ID behind to try and fool whoever is after me into thinking I'm dead, except that also means that my people back home will also think I could be dead as well, and, I could've actually died and it's all just too much!'

Nell gave her a big hug while she tried to calm down.

'Shh shh shh. It's okay! You're perfectly safe here. I'm so sorry about what you've been through. If it helps, I told Eric that you'll be staying here for a while, and he's real eager to see you again. He'll be back this evening.'

'That's good to know. (Sniff).'

'If you're feeling up to it, I can make you something good, a good home cooked meal might help.' Nell offered.

'I'd like that. And Nell?'


'Thank you for being such a good friend.' Hetty replied.

'My pleasure.'

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