Chapter one: family

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A long silver-haired female woke up and smiled and she changed into black and purple tank top with black and purple pants and she walked out and saw her family and smiled a male who looked like her but with green eyes smiled "loki" spoke the female and loki smiled "hey aurora" spoke loki smiled at her and aurora hugged him and a tousled silver-white haired boy smiled "sissy" spoke the boy and aurora smiled "hey finn" spoke aurora and a shoulder-length silver-white haired female looked at aurora "hello to you to freya" spoke aurora. "Hey aurora" spoke a silver white haired male "vider hey hello" spoke aurora and a female standing next to vider smiled "hey freyja" spoke aurora and a dark brown mixed with silver haired male looked at them "hey dad" spoke aurora and he smiled "erik honey stopped trying to scare them" spoke a silver-white haired female and smiled "alright ingrid" spoke erik.

They ate breakfast and grabbed some fish and walked over to a place outside and feed some dragons loki and aurora looked at the dragons "aurora loki this is my dragon shadow" spoke vider as a obsidian black scaled deadly nadder looked at them and they smiled "this is blaze you two" spoke freyja as a mix of fiery red and orange monstrous nightmare roared at them softly and "this is my majestic singetail emberflare" spoke ingrid as a fiery red scaled singetail looked at them and "this is my stormcutter thunderheart" spoke erik as a dark scaled dragon looked at them and they smiled. Finn and freya smiled and ingrid looked at loki and aurora and smiled softly "aurora loki it time you two get a dragon" spoke ingrid.

Loki and aurora were excited to get their own dragon and nodded and erik hopped on thunderheart and ingrid got on emberflare and loki got on with ingrid as aurora got on with erik and they flew off and adventure around to a island and landed on it and loki and aurora got off and ingrid and erik got off aswell "alright loki you go with ingrid and aurora your with me" spoke erik and they nodded. Ingrid and loki went to the left and erik and aurora went right and they were walking they heard a roar and they followed it to see two deadly nadder one had a vibrant orange with hints of gold with beautiful light blue eyes and the other was a dark orange with deep blue eyes and they were injured and aurora and erik approach them to see the one had injures and the other one was taking care of them. 

Aurora approached them with caution and the two notice and aurora showed she wasn't a threat and checked the injury on the orange nadder with hints of gold and she looked around and saw a few herbs and collected them and treated the injured nadder with care and smiled. The nadder roared and aurora stood up and walked up to erik and the orange nadder with hint of gold followed her and erik notice "looks like you find your dragon" spoke erik and aurora turned around and smiled "want to come home with me girl" asked aurora and the nadder roared and nuzzled aurora "alright how about I name you emberwing" spoke aurora and the nadder roared happily agreeing to the name.

Aurora and erik and emberwing went to the meeting spot and waited and aurora notice the other nadder "oh hey the other one followed" spoke aurora and erik notice "guess he coming with huh" spoke erik and aurora nodded "they are probably siblings" spoke aurora and erik nodded and understood. Loki and ingrid came with a dragon "oh loki who is that" asked aurora and the various green scale dragon looked at aurora "this is my scuttleclaw zephyr" spoke loki and loki notice the nadders "who are they" spoke loki and they looked "oh the one orange with the hint of gold is emberwing the one I bonded with and the other one just followed us here" spoke aurora and they nodded. Ingrid smiled "alright mount your dragon" spoke ingrid and they nodded and aurora walked up to emberwing and smiled and gently hopped on her back and emberwing roared lightly and loki got on zephyr and ingrid and erik notice they respected the dragons before getting on. 

They flew up to the sky and flew toward the east and they were flying and emberwing roared and they all smiled. Ingrid smiled at her family "remember our village doesn't like dragon so they can't come into the village" spoke erik and loki and aurora nodded. They got back to the island and landed and vider and freyja smiled and lead them where they prepared the home of their dragons in their rooms and emberwing laid on the bed and aurora sat on her bed and smiled the other nadder laid next to emberwing.

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