Chapter 44

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Jiang Wang also had a bad temper when he was young. When he was in his early twenties, he dared to be cruel to others and even more cruel to himself.

 If it were him at that time, he might have fought head-on with these people until his stomach bleeds.

 Twenty-eight is different now.

 Teacher Ji hasn't caught him yet, so it doesn't matter whether he wins or not.

 Adhering to a peaceful attitude of maintaining health, Boss Jiang took the wine with a smile and drank it, even if someone greeted him, without any nonsense.

 Ji Linqiu was horrified when he saw it, and deliberately stopped him. The person next to him spoke even faster: "Boss Jiang is very good, but he is different from those polite sissies!" Jiang Wang didn't seem to hear who was being sarcastic, and only

 said Eating food and drinking wine, it seems that I have been hanging out with this group of people for a long time, and I am quite comfortable.

 Some people at the dinner also asked about Ji Linqiu's relationship status. Before he could speak, several people who had gone to join in the fun yesterday rushed to answer. Jiang Wang said it again with added detail and jealousy, making everyone roar.

 "Teacher Ji is so beautiful!"

 "I didn't see it, come on, come on, let me give you a drink, teach me how to pick up girls!" "Awesome, if I want to do

 this, I won't get married, I'll take a wife, etc. Are you in charge?"

 As they were chatting, Jiang Wangtou started to look up little by little, and his cheeks turned red.

 Ji Chuanrong looked amused and filled the wine glass in front of him again: "This has just begun, can't you, buddy? Come on, let's go one more time!" Ji Linqiu stretched out his hand to stop him, but Jiang Wang put his hand around Ji Linqiu's hand and touched it again

 . A cup, finished on the spot.

 After drinking, he fell asleep at the table with his head tilted, and he didn't react when he was touched again.

 Everyone at the dinner table suddenly fell silent, and Ji Linqiu became anxious and reached out to check his breathing.

 "Don't make trouble." The man stared in confusion, "I'm sleeping."

 The whole audience burst into laughter. Everyone was so happy that they seemed to have seen someone fall down in the first round in the ring.

 "Are you paralyzed now? Don't be a coward!"

 "You sound like you're from the north with an accent, but you drank a little and fell down right away?"

 "Come on, come on, wake him up, let's keep drinking!"

 Ji Chuanrong was ready to fight to the death tonight, but he didn't expect his opponent to be a complete empty shell. , with a look of pride and disdain on his face.

 "I haven't even started yet. I just tasted the alcohol."

 Ji Linqiu was the only one in the chaos who was afraid that something might happen to Jiang Wang, so he couldn't help but pick him up.

 It was rare that there was someone nearby who couldn't see through it, so he also helped me, saying that there was a guest room upstairs, so I could take him there to rest first, and I couldn't drive him to the hospital.

 Ji Linqiu originally thought that Jiang Wanghui would make a splash at the wine table, but now he ignored the speculation and carried him to the second floor.

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