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"I'll get you home. I promise."

"You know, for a foreigner you're pretty good." I roll my eyes and push my Katana into its sheath. "No, I mean it Asia."

"It's Aspen, dumbass." I pull my bag onto my shoulder and leave the dojo.

"I'm sorry! Look, I'm sorry!" He runs after me and I roll my eyes again.

"Sure you are."

"Aspen, I'm sorry." He grabs my arm to stop me from walking. "I truly am sorry." I merely shrug at him because at this point I just want to go home. "What if I make it up to you? Let's go on a date."

"What's your name again?" His face falls and his eyes are set in a glare for a second before it's wiped away.

"Yik-suyoung. So about that date?"

"I don't go on dates with strangers." I pull my arm away from him and begin on my walk again.

"Hey, we're not strangers! We go to the same dojo."

"Doesn't mean I know you."

"Will you just- god dammit!" I glance back at him to see him holding his nose, blood was gushing out of it. I stop walking and fully turn to face him.

"You should go get that checked out. That doesn't look so good. Maybe you should occupy your time at a doctors office instead of harassing me."

"What? No I'm fine, it's just a nose bleed." I raise a brow at him and look back at his still bleeding nose.

"Sure. Anyways good bye. I would appreciate if you don't follow me anymore." His eyes begin to flutter, it wasn't a second later before he passes out. "Definitely wasn't nice meeting you." I turn around and continue on my way to the bus stop.

"Stop it! Let go of me!" As I approach the bus stop I see a man harassing a teen girl. "I said let go of me!"

"And why would I do that? You're standing on the corner, gook." I take my katana out of its sheath.

"You calling her that is probable cause for me to cut your tongue out." He turns to me, only to be met with my katana at his throat. "How about you run along before I call the police?"

"You don't have to be jealous baby, there's enough of me to go around." I take my katana away from his neck and tilt my head as I sheath it.

"Yeah?" He nods and shows me a smirk. I place my hands on his shoulder and bring my knee up, kneeing him in his dick. "Doesn't feel like it." The bus pulls up and I push the man to the floor. "If I see you again, I'll make sure to leave a scar."

I grab the girl's hand and pull her on the bus with me. I tap my card twice and pull her to a seat. Once we're seated I check her over for any wounds.

"Thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome." She smiles at me.

"I'm Min-ju."

"Aspen." I look down at her school attire. "It's a little late to be getting out of school, isn't it?" A blush grew on her chubby cheeks.

"I missed the first bus because I wanted ice cream." I chuckle at the sheepish face she pulled.

"Have you informed your parents?" She nods.

"I called my mom. She said she'll meet me in the lobby of our apartment."

"Is the apartment far from the bus stop?"

"No. Just across the str-" There was a scream before the bus flipped. I grab onto Min-ju and cover her as we flipped. "Aspen?"

"Are you hurt?" She doesn't look hurt but you can never be too sure.

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