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"Look at you stepping up as leader."

"I apologize for saying it's like murder." I nod as Eun-hyuk glances at me. "In fact, this is more like conspiracy to murder." I glare at him but he quickly looks away.

"To hell with that! This isn't murder! What do we have to feel sorry for?! This is for our survival!" I look at the old man as he spouts loads of bullshit. I lean over to Hyun-su.

"I bet his ass is jealous of all the shit that's coming out of his mouth." He looks shocked. "Live a little." I smile at him. "You only live once, even if it's in an apocalypse. You should make the most out of it."

"I think Eun-hyuk has a point. Isn't it better to protect the privacy of our votes?" I look at the woman holding the dog as she spoke. "Last time I checked, we still live in a democracy."

"A democracy? The world is ending! To hell with your democracy!"

"Stop calling your wife names, and using profanities. It's offensive and uncomfortable." She snapped I guess?

"You little cow. How dare you tell me what-" He was cut off by a woman, standing at the opposite entrance.

"Stop it." She's kinda pretty.

"Mr. Kim has made his opinion clear so I'd like to say something before we start voting too." It better not be bullshit. "Follow your own principles." That was actually good. I nod at him.

He walks towards me and Hyun-su. I grab his arm and pull him away.

"I wanted to cut your head off for that bullshit apology but you made up for it, I guess." He sighs and looks towards the floor. "What's wrong?"

"I think Mr. Kim might start a riot in the future. If the votes are gonna conclude that Hyun-su stays, I'm afraid that no one will be safe from Mr. Kim."

"I'll kill him if you want." He looks shocked and I shrug. "Every leader needs an executioner."

"Who was the executioner in your old group."

"Me of course. I was leader and executioner. Plus Mr. Kim doesn't have long before he turns. He has a red rash under his nose and his anger will be his downfall." He looks shocked and I tilt my head. "What?"

"I didn't notice that it was red."

"Are your glasses just for show or something?"

"What? N-" We were interrupted by Min-ju. We both turn to her.

"Everyone is done voting so if you're done flirting, we would like to know the results."

"You little shit." She runs and I chase her back to the room.

"Mom! Aspen was flir-" I cover her mouth as her mom turns to us.

"I was doing nothing. Isn't that right Min-ju?" She nods teasingly as I remove my hand.

"She was flirting!" I put her in a chokehold and give her a noogie. "Aspen my hair!"

"It's what you get." She laughs as I keep doing it.


"Your mom can't help you now." She squeals before a throat was cleared. We both look up and see everyone looking at us. I let her go as she blushes at the attention.

"Who's ready to see the results." As the attention goes to Eun-hyuk, Min-ju pinches my side before she runs behind her mother. I squint at her as she sticks out her tongue.

"So there's nine people in favor. And eight people against it. If even one of the remaining two votes is in favor, that would decide it." I watch Eun-hyuk tally it.

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