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"We'll just have to wait it out."

"Are we leaving now?"

"Better to go while it's still light." I pack some nonperishables, water, and snacks into my backpack. "You need a weapon. You ever play softball during P.E?" Once she nods I go over to my closet. "Good. You're not prone to touch pointy things are you?"

"No." I nod and pull out my bat that has nails sticking out. "I'm scared to ask why."

"It was for an art project back in highschool. I kept it with me for all these years because it looks cool." I hand it to her and pull out my knife set.

"And those?"

"I wield a katana, are these really shocking?" She giggles as she shakes her head. I begin to pack some knives away into my back and I tuck others on my body. "The seasons are changing, go grab a jacket." She nods again and I watch as she disappears into my room. "Just in case." I place a grenade into the side pocket before zipping up my bag.

"I got you one as well." I raise my eyebrow at the jacket she chose for me.

"Leather? Really?"

"And a scarf." I chuckle at her and grab the jacket. I put it on and grab a duffel bag from the closet. "What's that for?"



"Are you ready?" She nods and I open my apartment door. She holds onto a strap of my book bag as I guide her quietly to the stairs. I open the door and glance both up and down before I lead the way downstairs.

I open the first floor door and first thing I see is the monster from before, still on the floor, cut in two.

"Do you think...I'm pretty?" I turn to Min-ju.

"Give me a second, yeah?" She nods and let's go of the book bag strap. I sheath my sword and grab ahold of the monsters feet. I drag it into the stair case before leaving and closing the door.

"Are we leaving now?" I nods and she grabs ahold of my book bag strap again. I make my way to the shudders before two men step in my way.

"And what do you think you're doing?" I look them both over and roll my eyes before shoving past them. I pull the shudders up and the noise attracts the now cripple, non-flying monster.

I guide Min-ju out of the building as the monster growled at us. We take slow steps to the left until we reach the edge of the building.

I take a look around the corner and notice nothing.

"Clear?" I nod and take a step forward.

"I am...free." I stop walking as the voice of the monster got closer. "Freeee." I quietly unsheathed my katana. "Free." A monsters body comes out of a nearby alley. It pauses in its tracks, seeing us. "We are...free." Then it walks away.

Maybe not all of these monsters are killing machines.

I keep my katana in hand as we walk down the sidewalk, keeping close to buildings. After the 'free' monster we didn't encounter any until we made it across the street from Min-ju's apartment complex.

It was surrounded and the shudders were down. No way would we be able to get there safely.

I guide Min-ju backwards until we reach the entrance door of the office that was across the street from the apartment complex.

I open the door quietly and have Min-ju step inside first. Once we're both in I close the door just as quietly as I opened it before pulling down the blinds.

Protector~OcxVarious Sweet HomeWhere stories live. Discover now