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"By any chance, do you happen to have a room for the infected?"

Two weeks. Two fucking weeks has passed and Min-ju is losing hope.

The Wi-Fi got cut during the first week. Soon after that a global warning was put out.

Before it was cut I used the office computer to see if there were any more updates. There was only one.

-When a monster is near, all wireless transmissions are blocked. No calls will go through. No wireless internet will work.

If you make a call and leave it, the phone will sound a loud ring when a monster is near.

If you hear a voice in your head it's the monsterization trying to take over. Do not entertain the voice. It's better to ignore it or it will take over.-

The shudders had opened once since we got here but we couldn't go then because the building was still surrounded and a tongue monster killed someone.

Min-ju cried that night. She believes that she'll never make it home to her mother.

During the beginning of this week the monsters slowly began to back off this area. So even if the shudders don't open, I'll find a way to get her there.

I also started to get nose bleeds. Not fun. I had Min-ju stay with the woman that we first encountered from two weeks ago. I don't want to take the chance of her being hurt.

There was a voice inside my head asking what I desired most. Acting as if it was a genie to grant my wishes.

But all I desired was to get Min-ju home safely. I couldn't do that as a monster so I ignored the voice.

Min-ju often came to visit and we spoke from opposite sides of the door.

The Green Home apartments started their usual morning song, it didn't attract monsters these last few days and the place was clear of monsters.

There was only one problem. I never seen the tongue monster leave. It just disappeared one day.

I was distracted from my thoughts as a scream resonates through the building. I pick up the walkie talkie.

"Yeonju?" I let go of the button but there was no reply. "God dammit Yeonju answer."

"Aspen?" I hear Min-ju whisper.

"What happened?"

"Yeonju. She turned."

"Can you reach the office I'm in?"


"Okay. It's okay we're leaving anyway." I can take down that tongue monster if it's still around. "Just tell me where you are." I pick up my book bag and place it on my back. "Min-ju?"

"She's coming."

"Where are you?" When she doesn't answer, I put the bag on my back, pull the duffel bag over my body, and grab my katana before I leave the office.

The halls are quiet. I begin to check every room. I see some people but I don't see Min-ju anywhere. I even checked the bathroom.

"Aspen?" I bring the walkie talkie up to my mouth and whisper.

"Are you on the first floor Min-ju?"

"Yes." I run to the stairs and I clip the walkie talkie onto my belt loop. I run down the stairs and pull my katana from its sheath.

"Min-ju!" I leave the stair case. "Min-ju where are you?!" I begin to check the offices but come up empty handed. No monster and no Min-ju.

'Finding her is what you desire?'

Piss off.

I make my way to the bathroom and try to open the door. Once I realize it's locked I knock on the door.


"Yeah it's me." She opens the door and pulls me into a hug, her bat gripped tightly between her fingers. "Come on. Let's go now while the streets are clear." I lead the way down the hall, towards the receptionist desk.

Once I take a step out in the open I was hit and thrown across the room.

"Aspen!" I look up and see a monster with a thick tail. I guess I know what hit me.

Min-ju attempts to run to me but the monster trips her. As it peers down at her, I hear the distinct sound of shudders.

I run over and tackle the monster. I raise my katana but I was pushed back.

"Go Min-ju! Run for the apartments!" She looks at me once before running out of the building. I stand up as the monster slinks closer to me.

Once it raises its tail I cut it off and run, leaving the building.

"Min-ju! My daughter is there!" I run faster and turn the corner to see Min-ju had fallen.

I see a soldier run out and over the barricade. He helps Min-ju up and I see the tongue of that monster. I pull out a knife and throw it. I see as it imbeds itself into the tongue. The monster screeches and the tongue retracts. I watch as the soldier takes Min-ju inside.

"Put down the shudders." I hear a males voice and I don't blame him. I would've demanded the same thing to keep everyone safe.

"Aspen!" I continue to run but stop in my tracks as the tongue monster reveals itself. "Aspen!" I glance between her and the tongue monster as it raises its tongue. There was a noise behind me and I just know it's the monster from the office building. "Behind you! Aspen it's back!" The tongue shoots forward and I raise my katana, cutting off the tip.

I start to run again, tackling the tongue monster. I roll until I'm back on my feet. I slid under the closing shudders and stand up as someone lifts a locker to close the open space. It didn't help much as the tongue of the monster shot through it.

I grab a knife before grabbing the tongue. It thrashes in my hand before I cut more off. The rest immediately retracts.

"Aspen!" I drop the tongue as Min-ju rushes over and hugs me. I wipe my bloody hand on my pants before grabbing her face and checking her over.

"Are you hurt?" She shakes her head as I step back and glance her over.

"Your knees are bleeding, Min-ju." She smiles at me and pulls me into another hug. "Alright. Go to your mom. I'm sure she missed you." She pulled away and goes back to the woman she was standing with.

"Who are you?" It was the same male voice that said to close the shudders. I put my katana in its sheath as I turn to him.

"I'm Aspen. You have blood on your glasses by the way." I actually take notice of the people surrounding us, staring in fear and curiosity. But no one has a weapon. How did they survive?

"What's your business here?"

"To return Min-ju to her mom. Is there a way out of here that's not this entrance?"


"You're leaving?" Min-ju comes and stand by the male who's talking, her mother right behind her.

"Please don't leave. You've saved my daughter. Please stay."

'What is it that you desire? Min-ju is safe. What is it that you desire now?'

I desire nothing.

'Pathetic. What do you think will come out of this? A bed? You think they'll accept you? They won't. They'll kill you once they find out. Just tell me you desire to kill them and you'll be safe.'

Piss right off to fucking hell.

"Aspen?" I feel a touch on my arm and I look down at her.


"Your nose is bleeding again." I raise my hand and touch my nose. I pull my hand away and see the blood.

"This is why I can't stay hun." I use the scarf to wipe away the blood.

"Please don't go." I sigh and turn back to the male from before.

"By any chance, do you happen to have a room for the infected?"

Protector~OcxVarious Sweet HomeWhere stories live. Discover now