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"It's not me you have to apologize to."

"Are you okay?" When the male doesn't respond, Eun-hyuk continues. "You passed out after you fell from the 9th floor. You woke up in 3 hours. Golden hour saved you." The males gaze falters. "Isn't it ironic? The golden hour used to mean the last hour to save someone. Now it means the only possible period of time to destroy someone." Okay and he's done.

"How do you feel?" I walk over and place a hand on his forehead. "Any pain? Nauseousness? Blurry vision? Headaches?" He reaches back to touch his head. When his hand comes back, it's bloody.

"My head hurts a little but I'm okay." I softly turn his head to the side so I can have a look.

"The wound is already closing. I'm gonna take a guess and say monsters can't get concussed." His head shot back to mine, eyes wide.

"Am I already one?"

"No. You're still in the process. Has your monster been talking to you?" He nods. "Learn to ignore it, okay? Don't give it any attention. Can you do that?"

"I think so."


"It's gonna be tough from here on out." I look to Eun-hyuk and can tell he has ulterior motives. "Come on." Eun-hyuk tells the male in front of us so he stands. "Jisu told me the whole story. How did you know we were on the first floor?"

"Just a hunch"


Shut up.

Eun-hyuk guides him out the room and I sit down as I sigh. It's been a long day

Just surrender to me

Shut up.

Leave these useless fucks and surrender

I ignore the voice but that doesn't mean it'll shut up. I groan and rub at my head.

"Aspen?" I look up.

"Min-ju what did I tell you about quarantine?" She smiles as me and holds out a packet of beef jerky.

"I know you ran out at the beginning of this week." I smile and pull her into a hug.

"Go before your mom worries." She giggles and runs off. I sit on the cot and lean back against the wall.

You're getting tired. Do you desire to sleep?

I can sleep without desiring it.

You should just give in. You'll stop fighting me eventually.

If you weren't trying to kill me and the people around me I would've.

Is this improvement? Are you talking to the big bad monster?

Shut up.

Is that what you desire?

Fucking yes!

I close my eyes to take a breather but my hand tingles. I open my eyes and look at my hand.

You have got to be shitting me

You said you desire for me to shut up. You're times up!

Shut the fuck up.

I glare down at my hand and curl it in a fist. Watching the talons disappear

You won't be getting me anytime soon bitch.

"Aspen." I look up and see Eun-hyuk. "The meeting has started." I see him staring at my hand. "Are you turning?"

"Over my dead fucking body." He nods hesitantly as I stand up. "Don't be so worried. If I ever fully turn, I'll climb up to the roof and jump off." He nods again as I walk forward. "Lead the way."

"You'll know when you're turning right?"

"Yeah. It's a feeling." I follow him to where the meeting is.

"What?!" I heard a female voice as I stand beside the pre-monster male, outside of the meeting room.

"You heard me. We can't let those monsters stay with us. We have to get rid of them." There was silence that filled the hair.

"Oh lord...you mean...you want to kick them out?" He can fucking try.

"Shut your mouth Mr. Goody two-shoes Bible thumper!" This old man is childish. "This is for everyone's safety."

"Jisu..." Another bout of silence. "Jisu, are you siding with him?"


"Aspen isn't going anywhere." I hear Min-ju fight for me, causing me to smile.

"You're just a kid, you don't get a say in the matter."

"She isn't going anywhere." I hear Min-ju's mother speak up. "She brought my daughter back to me. Something you all were too scared to do. You all wouldn't even lift the door for me to get her. I say that Aspen stays. And if you have a problem with it, find somewhere else to sleep because she will be with me and my daughter in the daycare."

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can and I will. Aspen isn't going anywhere." I nod to myself knowing that I'll have to make an isolation corner if she refuses me to go back into the back room.

"You're out of your mind!" The old man yells and I roll my eyes. "We're not letting that monster stay with us!"

"She's not staying with you. She's staying with me and my daughter." Eun-hyuk goes inside the room with a tissue box and post it notes.

"Everyone take a piece of paper. If you think we should kick Hyun-su out draw a circle. If you want him to stay draw an x. When you're done, stick your vote in this box." I look at the guy beside me, he looks back at me as I nod to myself.

"I like your name." He blushes and turn back towards the door.

"Why bother? He's obviously gonna be kicked out. Let's just have a show of hands." Eun-hyuk disagrees immediately.

"People need their privacy." I'm annoyed by his calm voice.


"Since what we're doing here is practically murder." He's smart, but a good leader wouldn't toy with people's feelings, doesn't matter if he thinks it's right. It's not.

"Murder?! He's a monster!"

"He hasn't turned, meaning he's still human. You have five minutes to vote." Once he leaves the room, I immediately twist his ear and pull him down the hall.

"You think it's okay for you to emotionally manipulate people?" I twist his ear harder as he whimpers from the pain. "Answer me."

"No ma'am."

"Then why the hell would you do it?"

"To make sure Hyun-su stays." I let go of his ear and raise a brow. "We're running out of supplies down here and there's monsters up there. We all need Hyun-su to make trips up and down."

"You're a fucking coward." His eyes widen. "Too scared of a monster huh?!" He doesn't respond. "Pathetic. And you have the audacity to try and lead these people. As a leader you need to know, no fears."

"But I-"

"You're weak."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not me you have to apologize to."

Protector~OcxVarious Sweet HomeWhere stories live. Discover now