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"Good morning, Princess."

Just as the man was gonna open his mouth a loud splat sounded through the ground floor followed by a scream.

I unsheathed my katana and make my way to the noise. The staircase door was open and a girl was there. A guy was laying on the flood covered in blood. Rushing footsteps were heard coming down the stairs.

"Hyun-su!" They're human. I kneel beside the guy and put my fingers on his neck. "Is he alright?" The female who holds a metal bat asks me after a couple of quiet seconds.

"If you didn't have one, you'll need a room for the infected now." I look up towards the leader and see him looking down at the male that's passed out. "You're the leader right?"


"Then you should've already had this prepared. They sent warnings of what to do and what not to do when a member of your group is infected. What if one of you turned and hurt Min-ju? Do you even know what to tell people when they start having symptoms?" He stays silent. "Get your shit together before you get everyone killed." I sheath my katana and throw the male over my shoulder.

"Were you the leader of your group?" I tilt my head before nodding.

"For two weeks. People begin to put trust into the strongest and most knowledgeable. If you're not cut out to be leader, give the roll to someone else."

"Can you...teach me?"

"If you can be taught. Now where's the farthest room from where you people have been camping out." The girl who screamed stepped forward.

"I can show you." I glance her over and shake my head. "Why not?"

"You're what? 14? Around Min-ju's age. A kid. There's no telling if he'll turn." I turn back to the leader. "Put your damn big boy panties on and show me the room." The girl snickers as the male turns around and begins to lead me.

"I'm Lee Eun-hyuk."

"I'm Aspen."

"No last name?" He glances back at me.

"We're in a damn apocalypse. There's no point in honorifics." The walk wasn't long before we made it to a room. He opens the door and I'm met with the sight of a man bound to a chair. The breathing pattern tells me awake. "Why's he here?"

"He's infected." I take the male to the bed in the room and lay him down. I take off my duffel bag and my book bag before walking to the bound man.

"He's not infected." I glance him over and see the left side of his face is burned.

"He was bitten."

"This isn't a damn zombie movie. You turn into a monster because of your own desires. Not by indigestion of an infected's blood, not by scratch, and definitely not by bite."

"But he could still be infected."

"How long has he been in here?"

"A day, give or take."

"Food?" He doesn't answer. "Water? A bathroom break at least?" When he doesn't answer again I glare at him. "Let this be a teaching lesson then. 1. You do not bound the infected because that'll just make them desire to be free, ergo earlier monsterization. 2. If they're not a monster yet they still function like regular people, meaning they need the necessities you need. 3. Don't just jump to conclusions."

I reach out and untie his wrist.

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"He's not a monster and I'm sure he needs to at least piss." When I'm done freeing both of his wrists I look back towards his face. "You can stop pretending to be asleep. You're free to go."  His eyes open and he looks at me before glancing at Eun-hyuk.

I back away and he stands up. Without saying anything he leaves the room. I take a seat in the chair and look at Eun-hyuk.

"How can you tell if someone is infected?" I watch as he tilts his head.

"Check if there's redness under the nose. If they had constant nose bleeds they'll have a rash for rubbing away the blood."

"You don't."

"Because I ignore the monster that's begging for my desires. I don't fight it but I also don't accept it. That's the only way." He comes farther in the room and sits on a crate in front of me.

"What do I say if someone's infected?" I shrug.

"Depends on the person. If the person is making up lies to reason why they have symptoms, they're scared. Reassure them. If a person comes to you right away and tells you that they have symptoms, tell them what I told you. They shouldn't fight with the monster, they shouldn't pay it any attention. But they also shouldn't accept it."

"And what if they want to kick you and him out?" He nods over to the male that's still passed out.

"I'm not here for them. I'm here for Min-ju. If Min-ju wants me to stay then I'm staying. Everyone else can suck my dick. If they have a problem with me, they know where to find me." He nods. "And I don't know about him. Ask him when he wakes." He nods again.

"Do you know whe-" He was cut off by a groan causing me to turn to the male that is rising from the bed.

"Good morning, Princess."

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