Author's Note

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Hello there! And welcome back to part two/the sequel for my previous SSO fan au. This will be my second attempt at writing a sequel. So let's hope the writing won't flop for me this time. If you haven't read my first story "A Dark Legend From Jorvik", and you are seeing this first, don't worry. There is a recap below to fill you in on what you have missed. But I still recommend that you read the first one before this. You don't have to, but it might be easier to understand the storyline if you do. Anyway, hope you will enjoy this one! :) <3

Recap of A Dark Legend From Jorvik

The previous story follows the teenagers Kendra Queenforest, Sandra Pinehill, and Erik Buttergood who are reuniting at a Halloween Party in Goldenhill's Valley. Tales of the headless horseman, Galloper Thompson, spook some of the guests and at the end of the party, Sandra and Kendra briefly encounter a black Shire who seemingly roams the area (without a rider at that moment). Strange events follow, such as people disappearing, a curfew being set in Goldenhills Valley, a mysterious new rider with her horse joining Goldenleaf Stables, and authorities being unable to find the missing people. While wanting to solve these mysteries, Kendra and her friends discover that her family history is linked to Galloper Thompson. It doesn't take long for them to also figure out that the legend of Galloper is true and he is the one behind the disappearances. Something is bothering him, causing him to go on a rampage around Goldenhills Valley. Kendra figures that the best way to put an end to it all is to try and help Galloper. It proves to be a bit more difficult than what she had expected...but everything works out in the end. As a token of gratitude, Galloper has gifted a foal to Kendra, a black Shire. Possibly the offspring of Galloper's horse, Morrigan.

A Dark Legend From Jorvik II: Nihili - Star Stable OnlineWhere stories live. Discover now