Chapter 1: The Horseman Returns (short chapter)

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Jarlaheim - Paddock Island

Once more Halloween has returned to Jorvik. After a fairly busy 5 years, Kendra is able to reunite with her two best friends, Sandra and Erik. After the dust had settled, and Kendra's grandmother, Siv, had passed away, the house in upper Paddock Island and the burnt-down stable on Broken Tooth Island was left for her father, Graham, to inherit. Kendra managed to convince her father that their place was there and not in Jorvik City. The two then moved out to Paddock Island and immediately began a restoration project of the old house and the burnt-down stable. The hard work paid off, and the results are beautiful. Kendra's father began to work as a farrier for Jorvik Stables and Kendra got a job there as a stable girl. And her little foal, Nemain is now all grown up. Despite Kendra having a strong bond with her former horse, Snowfall, she has a similar bond with Nemain. A sport they practice together is Equestrian Vaulting. As for her friends, Sandra continues to score well in Hunting with Firefly. And with the help of Linda Chanda, Erik has exceeded well in Show Jumping with Apocalypse.

It's late in the evening. Sandra and Erik arrived with their horses on Paddock Island. Kendra went out to meet them and then helped them get their horses to the stable. They had agreed to dress up as something this Halloween. Once they were done in the stable, they took their time to admire each other's outfits. Kendra had dressed up in a white, black, and pink spidersuit.

"I haven't really liked dressing up as anything before, but I thought ill do Gwen Stacy or Spiderwoman for this Halloween. I already got her hairstyle anyway", said Kendra and showed off her outfit. 

"It really suits you", said Sandra.

"Which reminds me, I tried to make web-shooters as well in the bathroom a few weeks prior... let's just say that my dad was anything but pleased with my experiments...failed experiments...", said Kendra.

"My dad would just have killed me", said Erik.

" are you still alive?", asked Kendra.

"I won't be, not after this Halloween. The alcohol I brought with me is what I raided from my dad's wine cellar...", said Erik.

"You just brought wine with you?", asked Sandra.

"No. There is anything but wine in his wine cellar. I brought with me some vodka and liquor", said Erik. "He then switched his attention to Sandra's outfit. She was wearing a greyish brown suit with a blue shirt, brown tie, and hat on her head. Her hair was tied up in a low ponytail. "Kenny's outfit is obvious but you are...hmm... can't be someone from Peaky Blinders though".

"No. I am dressed as Oppenheimer", said Sandra and smiled.

"What about you, Erik? I see you are not dressed up as my ancestor this year", said Kendra.

"You know, after what happened with him, I kind of don't feel like ever doing that again. The joke is over", said Erik.

"Fair enough. You are...Van Helsing?", asked Kendra. Erik shook his head.

"A plague doctor without a mask?", asked Sandra. Erik shook his head.

"The Hunter from Bloodborne?", asked Kendra.

"Are you both serious?", asked Erik.

"The Jeepers Creeper", said Sandra.

"I might as well yes, it's close enough but no. I'm the Glue Man", said Erik.

"Let me guess...another local legend?", asked Kendra.

"You seriously haven't heard of the Glue Man before?? He kidnaps horses and sends them to his Glue Factory. There he makes super glue out of them", said Sandra.

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