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Galloper's Keep

"No!! Please have mercy!!! Stop!! You are hurting him!!! He doesn't know what or who he is tempering with!! He doesn't deserve this!!!"

A ghastly and distressed woman's voice, echos throughout Keep. It's the 9th time Gunnar hears this voice, yet, he cannot figure out the source. None of the other ghosts in his realm are yelling like that. The source must come from beyond his realm, somewhere from Jorvik. Gunnar listens to the voice while looking at his closed portal gate. His equine friend and companion joins him. Morrigan looks down at her rider, pulling her ears back, disapproving of Gunnar being distracted.

"I can hear it again...that voice...we should return to Jorvik and find out what it's all about", suggested Gunnar.

"Are you serious? After everything we have been through on Jorvik, you want to go back there because you keep hearing the distressed voice of some woman? And it's not even Annalise", said Morrigan.

"I don't know where my dear Anna is...or Inga for that matter. But wherever they are, I hope they are in a better situation than I for this voice, I could very well be a lost ghost who hasn't found its way into my realm. You know they can stir up some trouble if they linger on among the living for too long", said Gunnar. He turned this horse and adjusted her saddle. Morrigan rolled her eyes and sighed. Gunnar mounted his horse and rode towards his portal gate. He reached out one hand towards the gate and closed his eyes. He focused on the gate and soon in the center of it, green sparks opened up the portal. Gunnar opened his eyes again and lowered his hand while examining the portal.

"I can sense that you hesitate going back to Jorvik", claimed Morrigan. "You don't have to do this, you know..."

"I know. I'm unbound to any curses or people trying to control might be good to look at Jorvik from a different perspective, now that I have the chance", said Gunnar.

"You are still bound to your immortality and me", said Morrigan.

"I don't consider those two as bad long as I have you with me, my dear friend, immortality is not so bad after all. It only gets a little boring to sit around here and try to guide the dead to the other side. Morrigan, I want you to hide your true form when we return to Jorvik. Blend in with the surroundings. We do not return to seek revenge, do harm, or haunt that island", said Gunnar.

Morrigan's flaming mane and tail turned normal and her coat change and eyes changed as well. She took the form she had when she first stepped her hooves onto Jorvik, a black Shire horse. She took a few steps back and then charged for the portal and jumped through. For a moment everything was dark, time and space stood still. There was a green flash and everything was set in motion again. Gunnar opened his eyes. He and Morrigan found themselves back on Jorvik again.

 He and Morrigan found themselves back on Jorvik again

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A Dark Legend From Jorvik II: Nihili - Star Stable OnlineWhere stories live. Discover now