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*At school*

OLI POV: *At lunch*

Oli: *Sits by Regie* I see you came to school today

Regie: *Doesn't respond*

Oli: I guess you're scared of getting in trouble

Regie: *Still doesn't answer*

Oli: Ok don't respond then

SEB POV: *At lunch sitting by Ryan*

Seb: Ryan wanna go to the movies with me later

Ryan: If my mom lets me

Seb: Okay

Ryan: What time?

Seb: 8:00

Ryan: Okay

*They continue eating and talking*

*5 hours after school ends*

OLI POV: Regie didn't respond to me so I am gonna knock on his door and tell his mom.

Oli: *Knocks on the door* Hello are you Regie's mom.

Regie's mom: Yeah what's wrong?

Oli: Regie hasn't been coming to school for the past two weeks

Regie's mom: Really?

Oli: Yeah

Regie's mom: Okay I'll deal with him

Oli: Okay bye

Regie's mom: Bye *closes the door*

Oli: *Starts walking home*

Oli: *7 minutes later gets text*

*In text*

Regie: You fucking snitch

Oli: Well I told you to stop ignoring  me

Regie: I don't get why you're so obsessed with me do you not have other friends you need to fuck off.

Oli: I'm sorry (read)

*Out of text*

Oli: *Walks home*

*Goes inside the house and goes to Seb's room*

Oli: I messed up

Seb: What happened

Oli: I told Regie's mom about him not coming to school for two weeks and I guess he got in trouble and he texted me and now he hates me even more.

Seb- Why would you do that

Oli: I don't know I just want him to talk to me again

Seb- What makes you think that he would want to talk to you after you told his mom, and now you can't bribe him anymore.

Oli: I feel so dumb.

Seb- You should feel dumb

Oli- You're not helping you're making it worse

Seb: Sorry I just wouldn't have done that.

Oli: Where are you going?

Seb: The movies

Oli: With who

Seb: Ryan

Oli: Is it a date

Seb:  No, why are you asking so much questions

Sebryan and Olegie HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now