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REGIE POV:  I miss Oliver. I should text him. I want to see him.

*In call*

*On FaceTime*

Regie- I miss you

Oli- I miss you too

Regie- Can you come see me

Oli- I have to go somewhere with my mom first

Regie- Ok but when you're done can you come over

Oli- Yeah

Regie- Ok see you later

Oli- Ok bye

*Out of call*

Regie- I guess I have to wait *sighs*

*3 hours later*

Oliver- *Knocks on door*

Regie- *Opens the door* Hel- *Hugs him*

Oliver- Why are you squeezing me so tight.

Regie- I missed you I couldn't stop thinking about you.

Oliver: I missed you too, but I was busy.

Regie- Lets go upstairs.

*In Regie's room*

Regie: Oli

Oli: Yea *looks at him*

Regie: *Kisses him on lips*

Oli: *Kisses back and gets on him*

Regie: *Runs out of breath but then he continues to kiss him*

Regie mom: *Walks in* Hey Regie, are y- what are you guys doing

Regie: I can explain.

Regie mom:  I'm not mad .

Regie: You're not?

Regie mom: I love you no matter what I wouldn't be mad because of that

Regie: Thank you mom

Regie mom: *Hugs him*

Regie: *Hugs her back*

Regie mom: Ok boys be good

Regie mom: Bye

Regie: Bye

Oli: Bye

*She leaves*

Oli: *Takes a box out of his backpack* Do you have a knife I need to open this

Regie: Yeah wait one second

Oli: Ok

Regie: *Goes downstairs and gets the knife then comes back upstairs* Here you go *Hands the knife to him*

Oli: Thank you

Regie: You're welcome

Oli: *Starts opening the box with the knife but then it cuts Oliver's hand* Ow

Regie- Are you ok? *Starts craving blood*

Oli- Yeah I'm fine, but why does your face look like that?

Regie- Because you're bleeding and I'm a vampire

Oli- You can drink it if you want

Regie- But I might lose control

Oli- You won't, just drink it

Regie- How do you know that?

Oli- Because you love me, right?

Regie: Yeah

Oli- Then you won't hurt me

Regie- Okay let me see your finger

Oli- Here *gives finger*

Regie- *Sucks the blood*

Oli- It feels so weird

Regie- Your blood is good

Oli- What??? *moves his hand away*

Regie: I wasn't gonna take more

Oli: Well I had to be safe

Regie: Give me your finger

Oli: Okay

Regie: *Puts a band-aid on Oliver's finger*

Oli: Thank you

Regie: You're welcome *pecks him on the lips*

Oli: Is the blood actually good.

Regie: Yeah

Oli- oh.... maybe because you're a vampire

Regie- true but your blood is actually the best blood I ever had

Oli- you're just saying that because I'm your boyfriend

Regie- no I'm actually for real though

Oli- are you sure

Regie- yea

Oli- ok

Regie- wanna go out for food

Oli- sure, like a date

Regie- yea

Oli- ok but I don't have any clothes here

Regie- you have a hoodie

Oli- is it clean

Regie- yea I washed it and put it in my closet

Oli- ok but I need pants

Regie- I'll give you some

Oli- ok

*They both get ready to go on a date*

Oli: Regie actually..

Regie: Yeah

Oli: Can we get take out instead

Regie: Yeah

Oli: Ok

Regie: What do you wanna eat?

Oli: Let's get Chinese food

Regie: Okay *Calls the place and calls for pick-up* *hangs up*  Let's go

Oli: Okay

*They go to the place and get Chinese food then they leave and go home*

*In room*

Oli: *Eats*

Regie: *Eats* So what made you change your mind?

Oli: My head hurts

Regie: Oh, I hope your ok

Oli: Thank you, I hope so too

*They continue eating until they finish and Oli goes to bed early because his head hurts really bad*

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