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OLIVER POV: I can't stop thinking about Regie. I think I like him, I kinda wanna be with him right now. I wonder if he wants to see me too.

If he asked me to date I would honestly probably say yes. I just don't want to mislead him if I don't actually like him.I think I do though.

What would my mom think? Would she be mad. She doesn't seem homophobic. Hopefully she doesn't get mad, I love her too much. She's a good mom to me and takes care of me.

REGIE POV: I think I should tell Oli that I like him. Should I tell Sebastian first? I'm scared what if he doesn't like me back or if he's homophobic and stops talking to me. I should call him.

*Calls Oli*

Regie- Good morning

Oli- Good morning

Regie- Do you want to hang out

Oli- Sure

Regie- Ok I will pick you up

Oli- Ok bye Regie

Regie- Bye

*A couple of minutes later at Oli's house*

Regie- *Knocks on the door and Oli's mom opens it*

Oli's mom- Oh hi Regie

Regie- Hi

Oli's mom- Are you looking for Oliver?

Regie- Yeah

Oli's mom- Come in, he's up in his room. You can go up there.

Regie- Ok thanks

Oli's mom- You're welcome

Regie- *Goes up in Oli's room* Hi Oli

Oli- Hi Regie

Regie- What are you doing

Oli- Nothing, I'm putting on my shoes

*Oli puts on his shoes and they go and get in Regie's car*

*In the car*

Oli- Where are we going and why are you driving so fast?

Regie- This is how I normally drive and we're going skating

Oli- Ok but I don't know to skate for real

Regie- Ok I'll help you

Oli- Ok

*At the skating ring after getting in and buying skates*

Regie- Come on let's get on the floor

Oli- I thought you said you were gonna help me

Regie- Hold my hand and come on

Oli-*Okay grabs his hand*

*They go on the floor*

Oli- Regie slow down

Regie- I'm not even going fast but ok *slows down* anything for you

Oli- *Laughs and almost falls*

Regie- Be careful

Oli- I know. I wanna go faster now

Regie- *Speeds up*

Oli- This is fun

Regie- I know

*They skate for 5 more minutes*

Oli- I think I'm ready to try it by myself

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