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SEB POV: *Sunday at aunt's house*

He gets over there and then he takes a nap for like 30 minutes until his little cousin come in the room.

Jake: *Takes Sebastian's phone*

Seb: *Wakes up* Give it back.

Jake: No

Seb: Okay you can play on it but just stay in here.

Jake: Okay

Seb: *Goes back to sleep*

Jake: *Starts texting everyone in Seb's phone random things* Sebastian.

Seb: Yeah

Jake: How do I get off of this

Seb: Here give it to me.

Jake: *Gives him his phone*

Seb: Jake what are you doing why did are you texting random things? Here do you want to watch YouTube or something?

Jake: YouTube

Seb: Okay here *gives him back the phone and goes back to sleep*

*1 hour later*

Seb: *Wakes up and goes to the bathroom*

*Gets out the bathroom*

*Gets text*

Ryan: Why did you send that.

Seb: Send what?

Ryan: The heart emoji's

Seb: Oh that was my cousin he was texting random people.

Ryan: Oh

Seb: Did you think I liked you?

Ryan: No?

Seb: Well, good. Because I don't.

Ryan: I know.

Seb: Ok just making sure.

Seb: Like out of all emojis he chose that one 😅 😂.

Ryan: Yeah.

*Out of text*


*In class*

Miss Komer: *Starts teaching lesson*

*They are whispering*

Seb: Let me see your hand.

Ryan: Why?

Seb: Just let me see it.

Ryan: Alright *Puts his hand out*

Seb: *Starts writing on his hand*

Ryan: What? *Stares at him*

Seb: I'll ju-

Miss Komper: Seb and Ryan, I need you guys paying attention you'll have a test over this soon, and I'll have to move you two.

Seb: Ok

*At Lunch*

Oli: I'm so boreddd Regie's not here.

Seb: You don't have other friends?

Oli: Not really

Seb: Sucks to be you I've got my best friend right here *wraps his arm around his shoulder*

Ryan: Let go.

Seb: Why

Ryan: I'm trying to eat.

Seb: You can eat like this.

Ryan: No

Seb: This is what I get for being a nice friend.

Oli: It's because you're annoying. *Texts Regie*

Oli: Where are you???

*Out of text*


Seb: Why are you standing here?

Ryan: I Missed my bus.

Seb: Is someone coming to pick you up?

Ryan: My parents are at work.

Seb: So, you're walking?

Ryan: Yea

Seb: Let me walk with you.

Ryan: Why?

Seb: Because there's vampires out.

Ryan: It's the afternoon.

Seb: So? You see me out here.

Ryan: Okay fine.

Seb: Where do you live?

Ryan: Just follow.

Seb: Ok.

*They start walking*

Seb: On a scale of 1 to 10 how scared of vampires are you?

Ryan: 3

Seb: Really?

Ryan: Yea

Seb: How about of me.

Ryan: 1

Seb: I'm not a scary vampire to you??

Ryan: You're not.

Seb: So, you're saying I'm not scary at all.

Ryan: Yeah

Seb: Ok...

*They walk some more*

Seb: This is your house?

Ryan: Yeah

Seb: Ok bye

Ryan: Bye oh yeah, I just want to say that you're the best friend I've ever had and you're not annoying at all.

Seb: *Smiles then hugs him* Thats what I'm here for see you later.

Ryan: Bye *goes inside*

Seb: *Starts walking home and watches his phone*

Vampire: *Pushes Seb on the ground*

Seb: What are you doing *Starts trying to compel him*

Vampire: I just need your blood

Seb: I'm literally a vampire. *Shows fangs*

Vampire: Oh, what a waste of time.

Seb: *Gets up* Stupid *starts walking home again*

*At home*

OLIVER POV: When I got home, I did some homework and straightened up my room. After that I ate some food, my aunt made. But now I am so bored because Regie isn't answering he's probably busy or sleeping or what if he broke his phone...but he'd still come to school right? It kind of sucks that he's like my only friend. I texted regie "Hi" and I was hoping that he would respond.

*7 hours later*

I got ready for bed then checked my phone to see if he responded, he didn't and I wondered what was going on. I was so bored, so I just went to sleep.

Sebryan and Olegie HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now