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RYAN POV: *8:00 pm* It was October 20th, and we had no school today . I was mostly in my room today doing nothing. But Vito called and asked if he wanted to watch a movie at his house. He invited Regie and Sebastian. He also invited Oliver? Anyways, I got ready and said bye to my mom then left.

*At Vitos house*

Ryan: *Knocks on the door*

Vito: *Opens it*

Ryan: Hi

Vito: Hi you're kinda late

Ryan: My bad I read the messages late

Vito: It's okay we haven't started the movie yet though, come in

Ryan: Ok *comes in*

Vito: Follow me

Ryan: Okay  *follows* wow you have a movie room

Vito: Yeah

Ryan: It's cool

Vito: Thanks

Oli: What's up Ryan

Ryan: Hi *sits  by Sebastian*

Vito: *Sits by Ryan* Ok what movie do you guys wanna watch

Regie: Can we watch a horror movie

Vito: Yeah

Regie:  Okay

Vito: *Turns on the scary movie*

*30 minutes in*

Oli: *Squeezes Regies hand*

Regie: *Whisper* You alright?

Oli: That jump scared me

Regie: *Starts rubbing Oli's thigh*

Seb: *Looks over at Regie and Oliver but then just turns his head and continues the movie*

The suspense in the movie grew, matching the tension in the room. As another terrifying scene played out on the screen, Regie's hand traveled further up Oli's thigh, causing Oli to blush and tighten his grip. Seb couldn't tear his eyes away from the unfolding scene before him.

As the credits rolled on the movie, Vito turned off the TV and broke the tension in the room.

Vito: So, what did you guys think of the movie?

Regie: It was alright, but I couldn't really focus with all the distractions.

Oli: *Blushes* Y-yeah, sorry about that.

Seb: *Looking at Regie and Oli with concern* Are you guys dating?

Regie: Yeah

Seb: I didn't expect you to be so touchy

Regie: You'd be the same way  or worse

Seb: I don't think so

Regie: I do

Vito: Guys I have an Idea

Ryan: What is it

Vito: We should go to abandoned haunted house

Oli: That'll be fun

Ryan: Yeah

Vito: Okay then let's go

Regie- Okay

*They start driving there*

*They arrive after 10 minutes*

Regie- Are you sure this is a good idea?

Seb: You can't be scared, are you?

Regie: I'm not

Sebryan and Olegie HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now