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RYAN POV: I was in Social studies and my teacher said that we were doing a project and needed to go get in groups of three and we needed to sit by our group.I asked Vito and Sebastian if they wanted to be in the group and they said yes so I sat by them. The teacher explained the directions then we got started.

Vito: So what are you guys doing for Halloween?

Seb: I don't know yet

Vito: Same

Seb: Ok let's do our work

Ryan: Ok

Vito: Ok

Seb's behavior continued to distract me. He would occasionally lean over and whisper something in my ear. Every time he did this, I couldn't help but feel a strange sensation.

Vito: Ryan are you done with your part?

Ryan: I'm kinda stuck

Vito: Oh what are you stuck on

Ryan: This part

Vito: Oh it's easy all you gotta do is research the questions if you don't know wanna do that part we can switch

Ryan: Oh I'm fine with this part

Vito: Okay

*They continue working*

Teacher: Ok class I'm gonna stop you here because we only have 2 minutes left of class remember this project is worth 80 points and its due this Monday.

Vito: Guys I won't be here tomorrow so can we work on it together sometime today?

Ryan: Yeah

Seb: Ok

Vito: So who's house?

Seb: Ryan's

Ryan: What

Seb: What

Ryan: Ok then

*At lunch*


Oli: Regie

Regie: Yeah

Oli: Can you go get my lunch for me

Regie: No why?

Oli: I hurt my leg in P.E

Regie: Did you fall??

Oli: Yes

Regie: *Laughs*

Oli: It's not funny

Regie: It is

Oli: It's embarrassing so go get my lunch

Regie: Alright *gets his lunch and comes back*

Oli: Thank you

Regie: You're welcome

Oli: *Eats*

Regie: The food isn't that good, slow down

Oli: Well I haven't ate all day

Regie: Oh

*After school 7 pm*

RYAN POV: Me and Vito were working on the project and waiting on Seb to get here then there was a knock on the door so I went downstairs to answer the door and it was Seb.

Ryan: *Opens door* Hey Se- where's your shirt?

Seb: I took it off

Ryan: Why?

Seb: Because it was raining

Ryan: That doesn't even make sense but ok.

Seb: Can I get a towel?

Ryan: Yeah

Seb: Ok

Ryan: *Gives him a towel*

Seb: *Uses it*

Ryan: Okay follow me

Seb: Okay


Ryan: Okay guys we have to be quick because so you can get home safely..actually it doesn't matter because you know

Seb: You know, what?

Ryan: You guys are both vampire

Vito: What? He's a vampire?

Seb: Yeah I am. You're one too?

Vito: Yep

Seb: That's great.

Ryan: *Stares at Seb abs*

Vito: Yeah it is, can we start???

Seb: Yeah let's get started. Ryan?

Ryan: Uhm yeah

Seb: We need to start

Ryan: Okay

Seb: Ok

*They start working*

Seb: This is so boring

Vito: Okay but you have to do it

Ryan: Yeah

Seb: Okay I am

*They work for another hour*

Seb: I did my part and I gotta get home

Ryan: Ok well bye

Seb: Bye *leaves*

Vito: Ryan

Ryan: Yeah

Vito: Can I stay here because my parents are sleeping?

Ryan: Sure

Vito: Thank you

Ryan: You're welcome, did you finish?

Vito: Yeah

Ryan: Okay, are you tired

Vito: No

Ryan: Okay well I'm going to bed

Vito: Okay me too

Ryan: I thought you weren't tired

Vito: I kinda am

Ryan: Okay well goodnight

Vito: Goodnight

Sebryan and Olegie HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now