Chapter 5

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5:55 p.m.
Danny's P.O.V.
"Will she even come, Where is she, she stood me up". These thoughts were racing through Danny's mind. "What if Sarah doesn't like me the way I like her, Ahh we had something special when we were kids, I didn't want it to change, but I started playing football and met Courtney, but that's in my past, I want my future to be with Sarah. We had a bond like no other when we were growing up, it was always those late summer nights when we would sit under the stars and just enjoy the moment. Mornings when she would come over to my house with girl scout cookies and we would share them and enjoy the sight of each other. And Her smile, is picture perfect, Her eyes are stunning, Sarah is the only girl that I have wanted so badly. If you had a childhood like me and Sarah you would understand. While Danny is freaking out about Sarah the door bell rings so he goes to answer the door and its Sarah. All Danny could do was say Oh My Gosh, Sarah you look beautiful.

6:05 p.m.
No one's P.O.V
Danny and Sarah have just started on their Tutoring Session, so far so good the saying goes. Danny has really gained to understand Algebra now that Sarah had helped him. About 30 minutes in Danny offers Sarah some water or juice, She takes a glass of apple juice. As Sarah is sipping on her apple juice getting ready to move to the next math problem Danny interrupted her and asked could they take a break. So as they are taking a break, there is a awkward silence. Sarah finally breaks the silence by asking Danny how have things been going lately. "Not so good, actually". Danny said sadly. "May I ask why, things haven't been so good?" Sarah asked. "Well, I broke up with my girlfriend Courtney because she cheated on me for my best friend Carlos and that really made me upset". Danny said. "Gosh Danny, I'm so sorry to hear that, why could a person do such a thing". Sarah said trying to comfort Danny. "That naive, manipulative, thot of a girl Courtney"! Danny said. "Wow, I knew Courtney messed around with guys but thats none of my business". Sarah said trying to change the subject. "Is fine Sarah, I had a feeling she was messing around, but I would of never imaged it being with my best friend". Danny said sadly.
As Sarah sees Danny get more and more depressed talking about it she leans in and gives him one of the warmest hugs. Danny looks up at Sarah and starts to think "this is the girl that I need to be with".
Danny embraces the fact that's she's hugging him and leans in to kiss Sarah softly. Sarah was beaming with excitement that Danny had kissed her. While enjoying the moment Sarah starts thinking to herself....

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