Chapter 13

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6:30 p.m.

Sarahs P.ov

"I'm so excited for this party, this is going to be the best night of my life, my boyfriend is the quarterback. What more can a girl.. well a nerdy girl ask for". Danny and I have known each other since pre-k. I never really went into detail of what happened after middle school. We used to be the best of friends but something happened. It wasn't that I was ugly. I find myself a respectable attractive 17 year old girl. Maybe I didn't hit my growth spore like the other girls in middle school did. Maybe I didn't become physically motivated about myself like the other girls did. Maybe I was more about just going to school and hoping not to get a word said to me by mean, kids at school. Maybe i wasn't focused on the outer beauty like the other girls. As Sarah thinks she hurries to put on her clothes so she wont be late for Danny's party.

In the bathroom Sarah takes one long look at herself and thinks 'Wow, I'm pretty, I never realized what was behind those black trim glasses and crazy long eyelashes". She starts to put on a little bit of mascara and eye shadow, next she puts on a light shade of red lipstick. As Sarah is about to walk out of the bathroom she looks in the mirror and re-sights the quote her mother tells her every day. "You are beautiful and nobody has the right to make you feel like you're not".

7:00 p.m.

Danny's P.ov

As Danny gets out of the shower and puts on his clothes he can't help but think about Sarah. "Man, I really am in love with her". Shes always been there for me, especially when we were in middle school. I usually never talk about it but middle school was the best time of my life. Sarah was my best friend but I honestly don't know what happened to us. Once I remember getting jet black straight hair and everyone in Mr. Elders class would laugh at me every day but Sarah never laughed, she told me that how I looked shouldn't determine the sweet kind person I was. That really made me feel better. The best memory I can remember is when we had a couples dance and Sarah didn't have a date so I asked her to the dance. We went to the dance as friends but during one song her eyes were just glistening and wow she just looked amazing so I kissed her and it felt like a eternity. It felt like we were the only people on the dance floor. It was just perfect.

Minutes later, Danny jumps back to reality and answers his phone. Its Sarah and she was wondering what time he was coming to pick her up. "8:15 babe". "Ok, I'll see you then Danny"

Danny makes last minute calls to see who is all coming to his party. The end calls total up to 50 people. " Well, I bought enough cups, plates, and food for everyone".

8:15 p.m.

Sarah's P.o.v

Danny finally comes and picks me up for the party and when I look at him all I can say is that I'm glad that all of this is all mine. She gets into the car and is surprised at how cold it is in his car. Sarah starts to shiver so Danny motions to her to see if everything is ok. "Are you ok babe". "Yeah its just a little cold". Danny rubs his hand up Sarahs arm and this sends another chill down her spine. They look up and lock eyes. Danny had amazing eyes by the way. He smiles at Sarah and gives her his jacket. "Is that better". "Yeah, thanks Danny".

The two head back to Danny's house to party. A few hours pass by and Sarah is in the mix of dancing flashing lights, and high pace energy. Danny makes a announcement and says that anyone who is up for a mind blowing game of truth or dare come to the patio and if your not then leave. almost 30 people leave. This kind of makes Danny upset. "Well, why did you come if you were just going to leave like that, some type of friends. " Sarah tries to calm Danny down and it successfully works.

"Alright people, lets get this show on the road who wants to go first"

"How about you and Sarah go first since you guys are the couple of the evening". Jessica says obnoxiously.

Danny looks at Sarah and she nods. "So you guys are in".


"ok, soooo truth or dare"

Sarah answers dare. Jessica gets a evil smirk on her face and says "oooo, well I dare you to give Danny a lap dance"

Sarahs starts to blush but is up for the chase so she gives him a lap dance. "Wow, impressive, i didn't think that Nerdy Sarah would be up to do something like that without crying or running away".

"Why don't you stop judging a book by its cover and maybe you would know something about me" Sarah fires back.

Jessica doesn't say anything to Sarah the rest of the party. This gives Sarah a sense of confidence so she smiles and continues to have a good time.

After many unkind or childish truths and dares it is Dannys turn. Marcus looks at Danny and takes a sip of his drink and says "Aye , Danny its your turn right?"

"Yeah, its cool you guys keep playing, i think I'm going to sit this round out. " Sarah encourages him to play along and with her being the compassionate person she is , Danny finally caved in and asked for a dare, but had a bad feeling about it.


"Danny since this is your party and we want you to have a good time we have a surprise for you."

"ooo great, I can't wait to see what it is". He says sarcastically.

"I dare you to ....."

There is a long pause and suddenly Danny looks to his right and sees the so called surprise that Marcus was talking about.

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