Chapter 1 Leaving Home isn't Forever

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Harper's POV:

If only this moment could last forever. The feeling of leaving one part of your life and moving on to the next is like flipping the page of your favorite book. But this is real for me, and I control what happens next. The next chapter of my life is all mine to take and mine alone. It always will be.

I pick up my suitcases and turn around to get one final look. I inhale, as if I am taking it all in. My room is completely bare; it is not even my room anymore. I keep telling myself that it will all be okay and that this is normal. It's just a part of life. I can't help but feel that it is like going to college two years early.

In my Sophomore year of High School, I applied to the Willow Bridges School in Massachusetts. It is an amazing school for people who are academic scholars who want to go to Ivy League Colleges. I know it sounds cliche, but I have always wanted to go to an Ivy. My dream is to be a lawyer, veterinarian, or a doctor. My father is a lawyer, so he's usually off in New York while my mother and I stay here. My mother works from home and runs a business while taking care of the farm.

I have lived here for all sixteen years of my life. I have never lived anywhere else. The only time I have left this place was to shadow my father at his job. My father wants me to follow in his footsteps of working with the big names on Wall Street. My brother hated the idea of becoming a lawyer, so instead, he went into software and data-framing systems. I have not spoken to him recently. We were never close.

I exhale, letting it all out. I shut the door and walked down the hall toward the front door.

"Honey, there you are!" My mother says, cheerfully. I smile at her. She is positive, and usually in a good mood. She never likes it when people see her upset. Even if she has a good reason to be. "I was thinking we could go to the Barnes and Noble to get coffee and that book you want. But we would have to leave within the next five minutes. Does that work for you?"

"Sure! Yeah, that sounds great, Mom. Thank you," I say before hugging her. "Thank you for everything, Mom," We both let go of each other.

She chuckles before saying, "Oh, you don't need to be so silly! I will help you with anything you need," She boops me on the nose and makes a boop noise. I scrunch up my nose and giggle in response.

"Mom, I think you are the one who is silly," I say, jokingly while grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, we should get going soon. Your father is going to meet us at the airport. Is that okay with you?" My Mom asks hesitantly. I nod my head.

"Yeah, of course! Let's get going because I am going to need coffee to function," I say while bringing my suitcases out to the car. Once my Mom and I get all my belongings into the car, I tell her that I will be right back.

I jog over toward the horse stable on our farm. I go in and walk over toward Autumn's stable. She is a caramel-brown colored horse with white splotches on her fur. She has been my horse for as long as I can remember.

"Hi there Autumn, girl!" I say to her in a baby-like voice. I reach my hand out to touch her, and she nuzzles against my hand. She steps toward me and I smile as she continues to nuzzle against me. I smile at her. She is a beautiful horse, and I couldn't imagine not having her. It is going to be hard spending all of these months without her.

"Harper! We have to go, or we are going to be late!" I hear my Mom call.

I sigh, then reply, saying, "Okay! I am coming!" I turn to Autumn and say, "Bye, I will miss you," Then I start jogging back toward the car.

At Barnes and Noble, I got a book that I have wanted to read for a while now. It is called 'The Inheritance Games' and it was written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I have heard it is a really good book, and I am so excited! I got from 'Starbucks' a Grande Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso with Sweet Cream Cold Foam. I am obsessed with espresso, and it's the best thing ever.

Once we arrive at the airport, I head over toward the Check-In areas. Once I check in I give them all of my bags except for two. I have a backpack on my back and one suitcase to bring on the plane that has important things in it. The people at the desk gave me my Carry-On tags and I put them on my two bags. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder, and I turn around to see my Dad.

"Dad!" I say excitedly and halfway screaming, with joy. He smiles and hugs me. "I have missed you so much, Dad! Thank you for coming," I say.

He smiles and says, "Of course!" Now that my Dad is here, we all head over toward security. Once we get there, I take a deep breath and exhale. My parents are not going on the flight with me to Willow Bridges.

I wish we had more time to say our goodbyes. It is a surreal feeling. I am saying goodbye to the people who have always been there for me all sixteen years of my life. We all hug each other tightly in a group hug. You can hear our quiet sobs as we cling to each other tighter.

"No matter what, Harper, we will always be here for you. If you decide that you don't like it there and want to come home, call us and let us know. We love you so much Harper," My Mom says as she sobs.

Then, we all break off of the hug. We all hug each other one last time before I turn to get in the line for security. As I move through the line, they watch me as we get further away from one another.

I put my bags and belongings through the security conveyor belt. Then, I walk through the security doorway scanner and get my things on the other side. I turn back toward my parents one last time. I wave goodbye to them, and they wave back. I slightly, smile and turn around as I head toward the gates.

I walk for at least fifteen minutes to get to gate T13. This airport is considered an international airport, so it is enormous. Boarding starts at one pm, so I have forty-five minutes. I sigh and look around to see if I can find any good places to eat. I spot a 'Subway' and decide to go and get something to eat there.

By the time I get back to the gate, it is five minutes till boarding starts. I arrived just in time. When they call middle-economy, I go up to get in line on the plane. Once I'm next in line, a million thoughts are running through my head. Do I want to do this? It's not too late to turn back now. Is this a mistake? Should I just stick with what I know?

I hear someone say, "You are next in line," I nod and walk up as they check my ticket. I walk up the ramp to the plane. Then I am greeted by the pilots and flight attendants. I smile and nod. I make my way down the aisle to my seat. Oh, thank you, Mom and Dad! I have a window seat! I think to myself and smile.

The plane flight will only be about two hours, roughly. I put my seat belt on and listened to the flight attendant go over flight safety. I have been on so many flights; that I can't keep track at this point. I put on my 'Beats' and look out the window as we take off.

Once we are up in the air, we are above the clouds. The sun is extremely bright and blinding. There was a beauty about the sun and a comfort in its warmth. The weather in Massachusetts is different, and I'm afraid it won't feel like a home to me. I hope Willow Bridges School is everything I want it to be. No, I hope it's everything I need it to be.

The school isn't all about academics though, I recall. Many students there are also involved in athletics. I played some Tennis with my Dad over the summer. I also used to be a Dancer and Cheerleader. But, I can't lose what I don't have. My dreams are so close I can almost taste them. Massachusetts, here I come.

A/N: Here's the first chapter! I hope you all like it! I have a lot of ideas for this book and I'm excited! Have a great day/night! :)

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