Chapter 6 Football Teams and Memories

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*Time Skip*

Harper's POV:

I followed the red hand of the clock with my eyes. The sound it makes seems to echo as I tune out the chatter and voices around me.

Tick Tok, Tick Tok, Tick Tok.

I can't remember the last time I blinked. The way the time changes reminds me of that day.

Tick Tok, Tick Tok.

The memory feels vivid as I recall bits and pieces.

Tick Tok.

The voices around me seem to deafen. "Ms. Callahan?"  I hear a voice say. It reminds me of someone I once knew, but I quickly pushed the thought out of my head. "Ms. Callahan?"

I blink and enter reality again. "Yes?" I quickly say, realizing I had missed half of the lesson.

"If the equation is f(x)=log(x+1)-3, what are the decreasing intervals?" She gives me a knowing look.

I glance down at my paper handout which I have not touched since she handed them out to the class. "If the equation is f(x)=log(x+1)-3, what are the decreasing intervals?" I repeat to myself in my head. I look back up at the board.

I straighten myself up. "There are no decreasing intervals. They do not exist. So, the answer is DNE." I state.

"Hm," she says and turns back to the chalkboard. "That is correct Ms. Callahan.  Although, maybe next time you look to the board instead of the clock." She writes down my answer.

Just as she finishes writing, the bell rings and the day is over. I put all of my things into my bag hurriedly, so I could avoid Ms. McCathy. "Ms. Harper, stay after for a moment, would you?" I sigh. The last thing I need is for my teachers to be up my ass about paying attention in class. It's barely been a month since the first day of school here. Math is not my strong suit, but logarithms somehow come easily to me. I figured it wouldn't hurt to doze off for a bit in class. Although, it's been happening in the majority of my classes lately.

I walk up to Ms. McCathy's desk. "You wanted to speak with me?" I question, and huff out a bit. 

"Yes, I did. How has your experience here at Willow Bridges been so far?" She questions as she wipes the work on the board off with an eraser.

Could she be any more obvious about her intentions right now? Probably. "It has been good, just busy but that's how school always is," I say to her.

She clears her throat and turns around toward me. "I noticed you seemed distracted today, is everything all right?" Saw that directness coming from a mile away. I can't see why she would think I was distracted. I mean, me, distracted? Come on.

"I guess I'm just tired, it's Friday after all." I give her a small smile and shrug. She nods.

"Well, if you need anything just let me know. Have a good weekend Ms. Harper." I nod and walk out closing the door behind me.


The halls are all empty. Everyone is in their dorms by now getting ready for the game or the pregame party in Meadow Hall, which is where my dorm room is. I pass by the office toward the athletic hall doors since those are the closest to my dorm. I see the Cheerleaders in the gym practicing some cheers in their royal blue, white, and grey cheer uniforms. Grace sees me and rushes over.

"Harper!" She runs to me and hugs me. She and I have grown closer since I first came here. At first, she seemed like someone who would either like you or not, and there's no changing their mind. But, I was wrong about that and judged her too quickly. Now, she is one of my closest friends here, probably my best friend. I'm not sure if I am her best friend though.

"Grace, I can't breathe girl" I chuckle. She releases me. "Sorry about that Harper."

"Don't sweat it, girl. You excited for the game tonight?"

"Of course I am! You know nothing's better than a Friday night game. You'll be there tonight right?" She says excitedly. Probably because of all that adrenaline rush before the game. I loved that feeling, and it's one I know too well. 

-Flashback Begins-

A/N: Different memory than what was referenced earlier in the chapter.

We opened the doors, and the room filled with cheering and music. Our hands were connected as we walked behind the curtains to the entrance on stage. My palms were sweaty as I let go of my teammate's hands to wipe them on my skirt. We reconnected hands and my teammate gave my left hand a tight squeeze. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I could hear it beating in my head.

Thump, thump, thump, thump.

The announcer's booming voice yelled our gym, and team name as we ran through the entrance, jumped up and down, and waved our free hand to the judges.

Our captain yells the counts and our team name for us to get into our opening position.

I start to question the entire routine, my stunts, tumbling, and why I am here in front of these thousands of people on this blue mat. Will I hit my stunts, jumps, and tumbling? Will my flyer fall onto me as we go into the pyramid? Will I forget the entire dance as I move to the front right? Why am I here? I question myself.

Then, the music starts and everything clicks in my head in an instant. Once the music cuts out as I hit my final motion of the dance, I remember that I live for this moment. I live for this two-minute and thirty-second routine on this blue mat. I can't help but think that this is the happiest I've ever been in my long-sleeved sparkling top and shorts with the highest ponytail and a big bow.

All while being sharp, jumping high, staying tight in jumps, sticking the landing in tumbling, with a smile on our faces. I remember that this is All-Star Cheerleading.

-Flashback Ends-

I miss those moments on the mat. Those long night practices until we hit everything in our routine. I miss it. I miss all of it. But, that was years ago, and I'm not the same person I was, but I can't help but think that it's the most passionate I've ever felt about something in my life. Then, I think about that other memory. The one I have in the back of my mind. The one that's the reason why I can't do what makes me happiest.

I internally shake off the memories, and say with a smile, "Yes, I'll be there. Don't you worry." She nods and walks off back to her teammates. No, not her teammates, they're her family because they risk each other's lives every time they put a flyer into the air. I walk towards the athletic door exit.

As soon as I walk outside, I see the football players warming up on the field for tonight's game. I scan my eyes through the crowd of them and find myself looking for someone in particular.

"Number 47, number 47, number 47," I mutter and say repeatedly until I see him. He is practicing some of the plays with the main quarterback on the team. I stand leaning against the rail watching them repeat the same plays, again, again, and again until the coach blows the whistle and they all huddle up. They clap their hands, say a chant, and break off to get some water. I see Ashton talking to number 56, Nathanial Hearst. Nathanial turns toward me and sees me looking down at them. Ashton realizes he's looking at something and turns toward me.

I didn't know what to do so I waved awkwardly towards them. Nathanial waves back, but Ashton just puts his helmet back on and runs onto the field, away from me.

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