Chapter 2 Enemies Are for Forever

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Harper's POV:

I step out of the airport and breathe in the air. I exhale while smiling. I walk over toward the bus I had scheduled to get on earlier. I give the bus driver my ticket and find an empty seat to sit on. Massachusetts, here I am. I thought to myself. I cannot believe I will be living here for months.

The bus took an exit off of the highway and into a small town. It looks like one of the cute but also Victorian-style towns. It has a slight hint of cookie-cutter style too. I smile; this place is perfect for me. Small-town coffee shops will be my new best friend when I study. Autumn leaves are falling on the town streets and along the sidewalks. It is a beautiful town.

Several more stops pass before we reach Willow Bridges. I thanked the bus driver and exited the bus. I glance around to see if anyone is around but no one is. I see a map on the bus stop sign and look at it. "Well, great. Of course, I'm on the outskirts of campus," I say to myself aloud.

The main campus attendance and boarding office is a little over a mile away. I plug it into my maps on my phone and start walking. I start seeing people who are wandering all over campus. At least I am not the only one.

I turn the corner and see the main building. "Holy-" I mutter aloud. It is the largest school I have ever seen in my life. It looks more like a college than a high school. The school has grey brick on its exterior with white window shutters and doors. I check my phone and see that the office is next door to the school building.

I step into the office and wait in line until it is my turn at the front desk. There is an older lady behind the desk. Her glasses seem small for her face and her hair is almost like a blonde-grey color. The only words she said to me were when she asked my name, grade, and birthdate. She told me to sit down as she whispered something to another lady. They gave me a dirty look before moving on to another person.

One of the ladies came over to me with loads of brochures, paperwork, books, and my uniform. The uniform was a dim royal blue with hints of white and grey. The lady explained to me that I must fill out the paperwork before heading over to my dorm room. She also explained how boys are not allowed to stay the night in the girl's dorms and visa versa. It must've taken me almost an hour before I finished all of the annoying paperwork.

I went up to the front desk and handed the lady my paperwork. In return, she handed me a key and told me which hall my dorm was in. I grabbed my belongings and went outside. I looked at the directory paper I was given to locate Meadow Hall. By the looks of the outside, it seems like a hundred years old and only has girls inside. Thank God because I would hate having a co-ed dorm.

I step inside to see it has been completely remolded and is quite clean. Roommates are picked at random, and I hope I get a decent one, or this year will become a living hell for me. Room 237. I step onto the elevator and press the button for level two. It makes a "bing" noise, and the doors open moments later. I start walking down the hall until I find my room.

I knock on the door and hear no answer, so I unlock the door and enter the room. There's a desk on each side of the room right next to each bed. I set all of my things down and lie on the bed. I lay there for a moment before I decided to start unpacking all of my belongings.

"Um, excuse me?" I jolt up and see a girl about my age standing in the doorway of my room. "Who the hell are you?" She says to me while giving me a look. She has an English-sounding accent with a mix of Middle Eastern.

"I am Harper. This is my dorm room, and I-"

"No, this is my dorm room. You shouldn't be in here," She says to me while dropping her bags onto the other bed. She turns to me and crosses her arms.

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