Chapter 5 Football Teams and Rivalries

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Ashton's POV:

I take off my helmet as I run off the field with my team. It's our first game of the season. Not to mention we are up against our rival school. The Crestwood High Owls. The refs always favor them over us. Tonight we've already gotten eighteen flags, not including the flags we received for cussing out the refs. The score is sixteen to zero, and we have not scored anything. Not even a field goal or a two-point conversion.

"That's the end of our first half, folks! All of us here would like to welcome you to the first game of the season! Wow, this game has got off to quite a start!" He pauses. "Be sure to stop by our concession stands which are funded by our very own Bulldog Boosters Club! Hope you are enjoying the game Willow Bridges Bulldogs vs. the Crestwood High Owls at The Bulldog Arena!" The speaker cuts out before the announcer resumes saying, "During halftime, the Bulldogs Band and Color Guard will be performing on the field. Without further ado, here is our Bulldog Marching Band and Color Guard performance!" 

The crowd cheers loudly and you can hear the cow bells ringing and the megaphones being used in Loud Crowd.

"Hey, man! You did good out there,"  Nathanial says to me.

I nod, "Thanks, man. You too!" I give him a pat on the back and he does the same.

Brayden, Charlie, and Jaiden came running up to us from Loud Crowd.

"Dude! You just missed it!" Jaiden yelled.

"Missed what?" Nathanial asks.

"William and that new girl making out!" What the hell is he talking about? What new girl? Shit, is he talking about Callahan?

"What new girl?" I ask.

"Uhh, I think her name is Hailey. Maybe Holly or Haven?" Charlie says.

"You mean Harper Callahan?!" I ask a little too defensively.

"Yeah! Harper Callahan, that's the one!" Brayden says, then adding, "They're over there." He points at them near the concession stands. I scoff, annoyed.

What the hell is William doing with her? He knows everything about what happened with her and I. He has no right. It's not his place nor is this the time! He's been pissing me off lately, and this is the last time I'll let this shit slide.

"Hey, let's go over there," I suggest.

Nathainial says, "I don't think that's a good idea-" I cut him off.

"Hey, William!" I call out to him. I hear Nathan sigh and start jogging over to them.

"What's up, man?" I say and then dab him up.

He awkwardly says, "Uh, not much bro." He hesitates then quickly adds, "You guys did great out there! It is one hell of a game, tonight!"

I shrug, "Well, you know. It'd be better if we were winning, but we still have a chance for the next half," I turn to Harper. "So, what do you think, Callahan?"

"Think about what, Laurent?" She says with an attitude and now she's the one being defensive.  I can't help but smirk because she looks hilarious when she's pissed off.

I shrug and try to play it off because I know it'll make her more pissed. Then, I say, "Oh, you know, about the next half of the game. Or anything else in particular." I turn to William and then back to her.

"Oh, Will! I heard you both were getting along with each other." I say, clearly annoyed, and in a cocky tone. I start to ramble on, "Which is great, by the way. Totally a supporter of you two! Did you all figure out your ship name yet? Cause I have fantastic ideas-"

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