Chapter 8 Situations with Setbacks

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Ashton's POV:

Warning: Mentions of trauma relating to injuries and panic attacks. I will put ** when it starts and ends if you want to skip ahead.

I opened my eyes slowly and hesitantly as I looked at the blurry scene around me. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the bright lights above my head. The silence around me was deafening as I observed around me. The faded white paint on the walls made the room seem smaller and made it feel more like a large closet than an actual room.

The only thing I could hear was my heavy, hoarse breathing and the beeping from the heart monitor. 'At least I know I'm alive now'  I thought to myself.  Then, the memories came flooding back and consumed any possible thoughts that occupied my mind.

It all came back to me from the game, the pass from Chris to me while I ran toward the end zone, then, the fall, the ball fumbling as my arm had piercing pain from my wrist past my elbow; I remembered all of it.

But, more specifically, I remembered Cam's words as they were repeated throughout my head again, again, and again. "Remember your place, Westwood," he said as the coaches, refs, and Aiden gathered around me before it all went black and I ended up here. I was suddenly brought back to reality and looked to my right and saw my Coach asleep in the chair.

Part of me expected them to show up, at least one of them, but I had a feeling that Coach knew they wouldn't and that's why he stayed here with me. I scoff at the thought of it. Of course, they wouldn't show up, but part of me hoped they would after everything that's happened. I guess I was wrong. A nurse entered the room to check in on me and interrupted my thoughts.

She quickly noticed I was awake and called out the doorway, "The patient in here is awake, find his doctor!" There was chatter between the doctors and nurses outside as she rushed next to me. Coach quickly woke up and realized I was awake. "Westwood, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine," I replied to him. He nodded.

She pulled her stethoscope off of her neck and put it on. "Can you sit up?" she asked me with urgency in her voice. I nodded. She set the stethoscope on my chest and asked me to breathe deeply in and out. "Are you feeling any pain? In your arm or anywhere else on your body?"

"No, I don't think so," I replied.

She picked up her clipboard and started writing. "I'm going to need a definite yes or no, please," She stated.

I sighed. "No, I'm not in any pain, but my arm feels like it is in a very uncomfortable position," She nodded while making additional notes. "That's typically normal for anyone who gets a cast, but it will get better after some adjustment."

I cleared my throat, "So, I-" I paused. "What is the deal with my arm? Is it broken or fractured? And how long until I can get back on the field again? Will I have to go through physical therapy?" I question her while internally panicking. I cannot be out for the rest of this season. And, I am definitely not going to be known as the wide receiver whose football career peaked before Senior year.

"The Doctor will be with you shortly to explain all of this information to you, but until then I am going to need you both," She motions toward me and my Coach. "To be patient until then." 

How can she possibly tell me all of this in such an unfazed manner? And how the hell is Coach Benny so fucking calm? My entire career is on the line and no one gives a damn. I put my head back against the pillow and shake my head while staring at the ceiling until the Doctor arrives.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, I'm Doctor Levi," He walks toward Coach and they shake hands.

Doctor Levi examines my arm with the cast and makes a few notes before sitting down in a chair next to me. "Walk me through what happened last night Ashton, regarding the events leading up to your injury." I nodded and explained everything from the pass to the catch, to Cam's personal tackle against me, and me attempting to break the fall with my left arm. He nodded and continued to make notes.

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