Chapter 4 First Days and Football Games

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Harper's POV:

"This is the stupidest thing ever!" I yelled. "Who even came up with the concept of a football game if most people don't even go to watch the game?! It makes no sense. Also how the hell is Ashton on the football team? Is he even athletic at all?! He's probably only on the team because his Dad paid for him to have a spot!! I don't even know why I'm going-"

"Are you done ranting yet, darling?" Grace asks me.

"Yeah, I think I got it out of my system, for now." Then hesitantly say, "Sorry about that Grace,"

"No need for apologies. It is quite alright! Besides, we need to talk about you and William, now. You do know that he's my brother, right?"

"Yes, I would agree with that. There seems to be a vibe between you two, and oh shit that's right I totally forget that he's your brother Grace." Scarlet says while putting mascara on.

"Oh, my god, I'm so sorry Grace! I didn't know he's your brother, and now things are gonna be awkward. Ugh!" I say.

Gracy says, "Don't worry about it girl! Just talk about him to me like he is anyone else. How's the vibe with him?"

"There's no vibe. We just get along." I pause. "We're friends." They both turn and give me a look. "I just met him. Come on, y'all. Don't give me that look." I jokingly say. "Even if there was a vibe, so to speak, I doubt there would be anything more,"

"Well, so to speak, there is a vibe there, Harper. Even if you do not see it, everyone else does, but-" Scarlet says.

"But what?" I question. People may think something could be there with William and me, but that's the thing. They think there could be. I can't have a could be, a maybe, a not sure. I need a definite, a can be, a will be. William is a could-be. He might be a will-be for someone, but he isn't the will-be for me.

"I don't know. There's been something on my mind since yesterday. It might have been just me but-" Scarlet hesitates.

"Oh, my goodness. Just spit it out already, will you?" Grace adds.

She sighs. "I think there is definitely some history, there, with you and Ashton,"

"I'm sorry, what?! Me? Me and Ashton? Something between me and Ashton? You are crazy, Scarlet!" I say partially sarcastically. Ashton and I went to the same middle school when we were younger, and we lived close to one another so our parents were close friends. We were both competitive individuals. We still are.

-Flashback Begins-

"1776!" I call out to the class.

"Very good, Ms. Callahan! Now, Mr. Laurent, what day and month was The Declaration of Independence engrossed on parliament?" Our teacher, Mrs. Scott, asks us.

He doesn't even hesitate to say, "July 4th!"

"No! That's wrong, he is incorrect, Mrs. Scott! It was adopted on July 4th, 1776, but it was actually engrossed on parchment on August 2nd, 1776," I say confidently.

"What? You're crazy, Callahan! It was not engrossed on August 2nd!" He pauses. "Mrs. Scott! Tell her she is incorrect!!" He yells.

"I'm afraid I cannot. It was, indeed, adopted on July 4th and engrossed on August 2nd. I'm sorry, Mr. Laurent, but you are out of the competition. This means our winner for today in the category of dates and time periods. Is, drumroll please!" The class unenthusiastically taps their hands on their desks. "Harper Callahan! You have won, yet again! Congratulations!" Ash groans and sits down at his desk while crossing his arms.

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