1. Cloud Watcher

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Climbing up to a nearby roof you make yourself comfortable. This has become your favorite place to look out, grace your eyes, to a hill. A single tree, a big one, sits at the center shading the rest of the hill. This is the place you watch. Watch the cloud watcher watch the clouds.

He's late today.

You don't know his name. You don't know why he looks to the clouds or what he finds in them. What you do know? He's a chunin, you noticed the day his outfit changed

Mission maybe? I should head home for awhile.

No. He'll be here.

You waited for another ten minutes. You found yourself cloud watching too, none as interesting as he was.

The teenager approached, hands rested on the back of his head. His behavior a bit off today. Instead of his usual eager energy to lay down and get lost in the clouds, he just... sits. Back placed against the tree, head tilted up, eyes closed.

He looks tired. It feels wrong to just stare at him like this. I could go ta... no no I can't do that he doesn't know me. I'll go home. Yeah.

The Watchers | s. naraWhere stories live. Discover now