5. Yours?

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Shikamaru couldn't believe himself. Thinking back to the night before and the way he neglected sleep, all to watch some crazy lady on her roof. He was exhausted.

I'm supposed to report back to the hokage right now but.... a little shut eye won't hurt.

His eyes grew heavy and he couldn't fight the urge.


A calm breeze carried it's way through Konaha, sending a chill up Y/n's spine.

It's pretty cold this time of year....

Wrapping her arms around herself she continued to observe the sleeping beauty.

Geez he'll catch a cold like this. Poor boy is shaking.


"Shikamaruuuuu. Shikamaru.... wake up." A blondes patience is currently running short as she stands in front of the boy.

"Oh my... what kind of a shinobi are you?... ughhh SHIKAMARU WAKE UP!" A firm hand is smacked down on the back of his head.

"WhAaa! INO WHAT THE HELL!" He startled awake.

"You're the hell. You were expected at the hokages office two hours ago idiot."

Two hours ago... hours..... TWO HOURS AGO

Shikamaru hurried to his feet, seemingly out of character for him, in a panicked daze. Mumbling about how everything's a drag, he's on his way. Well he was before Ino stopped him.

"Wait, you're leaving your blanket."


"I didn't have a blanket, it's not mine." Shrugging he turns around.

"Not yours? You were sleeping with it, snuggled up to it and everything." She suspiciously raised her eyebrows.

"Ahh right, my bad, that is mine. Thanks Ino."

Who gave this to me? I'll keep it until I find out so I can give it back.


Cherries and pine? I like it...

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