6. Four Years

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Why can't I sleepppp this is ridiculous.

Taking his usual spot at his window, he can't help but feel silly.

This is becoming outrageous, I can't keep doing this. Tonight. It's my last time. Yes. Just for tonight.


The next night it continued.

This is it. Tomorrow I mind my business.


The next week approached and nothing had changed.

Get a grip man...


"Why are you so sleepy lately... for your standards anyway?"

"Choji's right, you're suspicious." Ino's eyes grow wide as if she'd made a new discovery. "Ah. No way. There's someone on your mind huh?" She was only joking before she saw the look on his face.

What is she on about, I'm around these same idiots everyday.

"No." He genuinely thought that was the right answer, completely unaware that Ino was correct.

"I don't know man that 'no' wasn't too convincing" mumbled Choji, slapping more meat on the grill.

"Just admit it." She smirks at him.

"A boy?" She looks at Choji for a moment, eyebrows raised waiting for an answer that didn't come.

"A girl?"

Shikamaru twitched looking away and taking some meat off the grill in front of them.

"I saw that, Choji I'm not crazy am I?"

"Fraid not, our boy's got it bad"

"Right! Tell us about her, is she a shinobi too?" Shikamaru pays no mind and eats his food as if he can't hear them.

"Do we know her?...." He keeps chewing.

"Is she pretty?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Nah man" Choji buts in, mouth stuffed with food. "Shikamaru would never like someone too pretty, he likes plain girls remember?" Ino was about to agree before...

"She's beautiful..."

They stare at him in shock. He didn't mean to speak it just came out.

"WE KNEW IT! YOU LIKE SOMEONE!" They slam their hands on the table speaking together. They get a few looks from customers but they ignore it.



His friends couldn't help the laughter that erupted from their throats after a moment of surprise.

"Don't know her?" Ino pressed.

Ugh why did I say that...

Shikamaru felt cornered and had no choice but to tell the truth.


"FOUR YEARS!" Yelled Ino disbelief evident on her face.

"Wow dude that's pretty weird."

"Very." Shikamaru agreed with his clearly judgmental friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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