04-04. wake up!

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nancy and robin arrived shortly, max showed us where she saw the clock

"it was right here. right here." max says, pointing her flashlight down a hall with a dead end

"a grandfarther clock?" nancy asks

"it was so real." max says "and then i got closer and i just.. woke up."

"its like she was in a trance or something" i say

"exactly what eddie said happens to chrissy." dustin points out, we walk back to ms kelleys office

"thats not even the bad part, fred and chrissy, they both came to ms. kelley for help, uh they were both having headaches, bad headaches that wouldnt go away then the nightmare, trouble sleeping. they'd wake up in a cold sweat and then.. then they started seeing things, bad things. about there past. these visions, they just.. kept getting worse until eventually, everything ended.." max said, tearing up abit

"vecnas curse.." dustin said

"chrissys headaches started a week ago, freds 6 days ago. ive been having them for 5 days.. i dont know how long i have left, all i know if that for fred and chrissy they both died after they saw there first vision.. and i just seen thay goddamn clock so.. looks like im gonna die tomorrow.." max said, a tear rolling down her face

"no no no, dustin tell me thats not true please!" i said looking him dead in the eye before we heard a door open

"stay here.." steve said grabbing a lamp and walking out, us following ignoring what he said

lucas came running through the halls "its me! its me!"

"jesus whats wrong with you! i couldve taken you out with this lamp sinclair! steve shouts

"sorry, im sorry" lucas said trying to catch his breathe "i was.. i was biking for eight miles straight. give me a second.. shit weve got a code red"

"what?" i ask

"dustin. ive been with jason, patrick, and andy, and they've gone totally off the rails. they're trying to capture eddie, and they think you know where he is. you're in terrible danger." lucas said

"all right. yeah, that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems than jason now" dustin said, looking at max, she clearly wasnt okay.

we all left the school and got back into the car, drive back the wheelers house. we were all gonna stick together and keep max safe. we got there and went straight to sleep really, it had been a long day.

the next day, everyone was looking into victor creel, max was sat in the corner listening to one of the songs i made for her, it was her favourite song apparently. i zoned out and didnt pay attention until eleven was mentioned

"far as we know, eleven didn't create the upside down. she opened a gate to it. the upside down has probably been around for thousands of years. millions. i wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs." dustin said

"dinosaurs? what are we... okay." i say

"but if a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did vecna get through? how's he getting through now? and why now? and why then? just pops out in the '50s, kills one family, and he's like, im good  and poof, he just disappears. just... gone only to return 30 years later and start killing random teens? no, i don't buy it. straightforward, my ass. honestly, henderson, a little humility
now and then, it wouldn't hurt you." steve says

"sorry." dustin says

"any idea what she's writing?" dustin asks me, i shrug

"did she sleep?" he asks me

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