Chapter 1: Please, No: Edited

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Pico crouched in the shadows on the rooftop of a towering skyscraper, the wind whipping around him as he donned his signature all-black skin suit. Its smooth material hugged his body, rendering him elusive to any potential assailants. Over the suit, he wore black cargo pants, practical for stashing his arsenal, and clutched a nondescript briefcase containing an array of weapons and tools.

His assignment tonight was clear—a hit to be executed with precision. Pico's cold, calculating eyes scanned the sprawling cityscape below, where the target's extravagant party unfolded. Pico had climbed to this lofty vantage point, sniper rifle trained on his mark.

But as he peered through the scope, his gaze froze. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his fingers trembled ever so slightly. No that Kieth?!

Same cyan hair, the same depth in those dark eyes, he even has the same sort of outfit Kieth would wear! What the hell...?.

"Oh god..." Pico whisper shakily in horror. "That can't be....!" Pico takes a longer look at him through his scope. The resemblance was uncanny but not a one-to-one copy. First of all, no signature red hat. Kieth never leaves home without it. Secondly, no tiny, adorable dimples on his cheeks when he smiles. And lastly, that grin isn't nearly cocky enough.

"It can't be. He looks like Kieth's not my Kieth. He can't be my Kieth. I know my baby and there's no way that's my baby...!"

Panic surged in Pico, a feeling he was unaccustomed to. Pico whipped out his phone to try to de-confirm what his eyes were seeing, he needed to test his theory stat. And if another person was after his Kieth... Pico shook his head. Now isn't the time for violent delusions. Desperation coursed through him as he fumbled for his phone. With shaky fingers, he sent a text to Kieth, thankfully he's usually up at this hour. His heart was racing as he pleaded silently for a response. "Yo Kieth? Can you do me a favor? Can you stay on the line and text me while I do this? Tell me what you did today. You watchin somethin?" he subtly urged in his message. He didn't wanna worry Kieth but he needed to know.

Moments later, his phone went off and Pico drew a trembling breath; looking down at the text. Relief washed over him as he saw Kieth's messages. He looked up at the target whilst his phone notifications went off. The creepy lookalike is currently talking to one of his guest. Once again, no phone in sight.

Pico's trembling hand held the sniper rifle in place as he aimed it at the target once more. The seconds ticked away like hours, and he was hesitating. He now was pretty sure this weirdo wasn't his Kieth, but he was still scared shitless, and couldn't help the brief flashes of sweet memories going through his head now. He loves Kieth so much. He makes him so happy. Pico would move literal mountains and spill blood everyday to preserve that smile. That dimply, larger than life grin he loved so much. Pico would never lay a finger on his sweet blueberry! And he raised hell itself if something happen to him on his watch! Pico catiously looked down at the consistent messages he was getting from Kieth. Pico looked up one more time, just to be sure. The doppelgänger is still talking, and seemingly flirting, with some random girl. Once again, no phone in sight. There's no more time to waste. Pico, finally, with bated breath, pulled the trigger. The shot echoed through the night, and the target crumpled to the ground.

Pico wasted no time. He urgently texted Kieth, requesting a picture as proof. He knows they couldn't have been the same person after seeing Kieth text him while the doppelgänger was clearly; physically, talking to someone else, but Pico's paranoia demanded the extra reassurance. He needed to double, no, triple check. He needed to see a picture of Kieth. He needed to see him happy, healthy in his pajamas at home, waiting to jump in Pico's arms, where he belongs. And most importantly, alive.

Oh god...Kieth is taking a while. What's taking him so long?? Pico's anxiety was beginning to mount. He was breathing heavily, and beginning to tremble. The night was warm but Pico was shaking like he was freezing. His heart was in his throat. Please baby, answer me!!

Just when Pico was on the verge of breaking down into desperate tears, a message brightened his phone's screen. He blinked at the picture that filled his display—it was Kieth, clad in Pico's favorite green sweater, flashing a peace sign with his familiar, cocky, grin. Infinitely more charming than that doppelgänger's lopsided smize.

Pico's relief was palpable. He sighed heavily, his heart rate gradually returning to normal. With trembling hands, he decided to call Kieth, needing the sound of his voice to fully bring him back to earth.

On the other end of the line, Pico shakily asked, "Kieth, can you... stay with me on the phone until I get home?" "Sure Pico! You ok bubs?" Pico chuckled, god he loved his baby blue. "I'm fine now that I'm hearing your voice. Now tell me about that new Mario game you just bought."

Kieth excitedly launches into a spiel recounting the tales of his new favorite game as Pico makes his way to his getaway car. The night had taken an unexpected toll on him, leaving him yearning for the solace of Kieth's presence. Now, to finally head home.

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