Chapter 2: Let me hold you: Edited

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Pico raced back home, every step echoing his urgency. His heart was still pounding from the mission, but now it was mixed with anxious anticipation. He had to see Kieth. Hold him. Make sure he was safe, alive, breathing.

He can't lose Kieth, he can't lose the best thing to ever happen to him. He can't lose his future. He can't lose the one person that makes the voices go away.

He can't lose Kieth, please! He can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, he can't, HE CAN'T!!!!!!!!

Pico feels the start of tears dotting the corners of his eyes. He quickly wipes them away before sprinting up the apartment steps, two at a time. He didn't have the patience to wait for the stupid elevator, damn thing was out of service most days anyways.

After what felt like ages, Pico finally reached Kieth's front door. Pico knocked anxiously, the sound a lot harsher than he'd intended it to be. He winced a bit and his pulse quickened as he waited, his nerves on fire. Every second he didn't see or hear Kieth was beginning to trigger his paranoia. What if he hallucinated those messages? What if that conversation never actually happened and his target WAS Kieth? It's not far fetched that Kieth would forget to tell him he was heading out late. He was forgetful like that, and he adored that about him.

"Kieth please..." Pico whimpered desperately. "Please, please, please...!"

Finally, the door swung open, revealing Kieth, still in Pico's sweater and basketball shorts. Kieth looked to be on the verge of nodding off but he had dutifully stayed on the phone, knowing Pico was probably anxious. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kieth mumbled, concern clouding his sleepy eyes.

Pico chose not to answer. Instead, he lurched forward, wrapping Kieth in a tight, desperate hug. He knew he was probably suffocating the poor blueberry, but Pico could admit this hug was more for his own sake than Kieth's right now. He held Kieth close, as if he feared that letting him go would mean losing him forever. That he'd lose him to his own shadow.

Kieth's confusion deepened, and he gently touched Pico's cheek. "Pico, talk to me. What's going on?" Pico still didn't speak. Instead, he cradled Kieth in his arms and wordlessly proceeded to carry him to Kieth's bedroom. He held Kieth like a scared child would hold his teddy before clambering back to their bed, under the covers where no monsters could hurt them.

Despite holding Kieth in his arms, Pico's mind was still running a mile a minute. Pico could almost swear he saw figures in the shadows, coming for his Kieth....!

Stop it Pico, you're slipping again. Kieth's right here. In your arms. Safe. And very much alive.

With that thought in mind. He took a wavering, deep breath and gently laid him down on the bed as if he were something fragile, almost precious. After a few moments, Pico's breathing calmed a bit and finally he whispered, "Kieth, can you... sing me a song? I just....I need you to let me hold you for a while, ok?"

Kieth looked at him, confused but mostly concerned. "Don't you wanna change first? You can't be too comfortable in that suit. Do you need any water? First aid? Are you hungry-?" "Kieth..." Pico wetly whimpered his name ever so softly, almost as though if he spoke any louder, the world would shatter. "Baby, please...I really need to hold you right now."

Kieth's confused expression melted into a tender gaze, realizing that something profound had shaken Pico during his mission. He nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. He began to sing, his voice a soothing melody that filled the room. Pico listened intently, finding solace in the sweet sound of Kieth's voice.

As Kieth sang, Pico's grip gradually loosened, his tension easing. The weight of the night's events were beginning to lift, slowly being replaced by the comfort of Kieth's presence and his angelic voice.

Exhausted from the emotional turmoil, Pico closed his eyes, still holding Kieth close, and slowly started to fall into the arms of the Sandman, his fears fading away knowing Kieth was in his arms, where he belonged.

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