Chapter 5: Cross Faded into Oblivion

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The daytime was in full swing as the sun settled itself over the horizon outside Kieth's house. Pico, who finally had some time off, had decided to celebrate his temporary freedom with weed and whiskey, a combination that was often a recipe for comical levels of distress, especially given his schizophrenia.

He sat on the living room couch, a faraway look in his eyes as his thoughts swirled in a hazy cocktail of intoxication. The room was awash in a golden glow as he saw rainbows, dancing elephants, and singing angels which strangely looked like Kieth. For the moment, he was lost in his own world, unaware of the outside reality.

Darnell, on the other hand, had returned home from his college classes, bearing the beginnings of a familiar but dreaded burden—an impending migraine. His high IQ often brought with it the burden of these frequent headaches, and all he wanted was to retreat to his room and seek refuge in Tylenol.

As he quietly treaded through the house towards his room, his footsteps betraying his exhaustion, he couldn't help but hope for a moment of respite. However, fate had other plans. Darnell turns to his right and sees Pico, seemingly lost in his thoughts but unmistakably cross-faded. Darnell was devastated.

'Oh god...' Darnell thought to himself with developing anxiety. 'There it nightmare has been realized in its truest form. Pico....crossfaded on the couch, with no easy way of escape.'

Darnell continued to watch Pico sprawled out on the couch. Ugh, just look at that stupid, fish eyed, gaze. Did he have to get cross faded today?? Now Pico's gonna be needy, and Darnell can't handle a needy Pico right now!

"Darnell!" Pico's pitiful shout pierced the air, reaching Darnell's ears like an uninvited guest. The call was both heartbreaking and pathetic. Darnell sighed, slowly turning towards Pico and giving him the biggest, most exhausted side eye of disgust he could muster. He knew Pico was too high to get the hint, but he still felt the need to convey his frustration. Darnell could physically feel his brief moment of peace slipping away. Darnell was already beginning to grieve.

With a heavy sigh, one barely concealing his despair, Darnell accepted his fate. He turned around and began heading towards the couch, continuing to mean mug Pico as he sat in a state of intoxicated vulnerability. It was clear that he wasn't going to escape Pico's foolishness. And, unfortunately, he couldn't simply abandon Pico to his turbulent emotions. Kieth would be mad and he'd never hear the end of it.

And he's Darnell's best friend who Darnell cares very much for, but fuck you his head hurts.

Darnell cringes a bit as he starts to hear slight whimpering from next to him. Pico was gonna have an episode any second now. He might as well try to be a good friend to him at least and maybe attempt to placate him.

Darnell manages a crumpled smile, "Hey Pico-Waaaahhhh!!!!"

A shrill cry permeates the room as Pico's emotional dam shatters. He lamented with raw, unrestrained fervor over Kieth's cuteness, apparently unable to handle the thought of Kieth's small dimples and tiny hands.

"Look Darnell! Look!!" Pico shoves his phone in his face. Darnell is graced with an enlarged picture of Kieth with the phone on full brightness. Perfect for his worsening headache. "He's just soooo cute! Why is he so cute?! It should be illegal! He's so small and adorable, and he has the sweetest smile, and I just want to put him in my pocket and take him everywhere with me, but I can't, and it makes me so sad!!"

Darnell winced, between the piercing volume of Pico's cries, the brightness of the sun, the blinding light of Pico's phone shoved in his face, and the rapid deterioration of his own condition, Darnell was starting to lose it. The throbbing in his head intensified with each passing moment, and he felt his patience waning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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