Pico x Kieth and the Gang: My home is your home?

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Chapter 1: Unintended Consequences

Kieth's sprawling house had once been a bustling home filled with the laughter and commotion of his large family. But now, as the youngest of six siblings, he found himself the sole occupant of the large domain. His siblings had moved away from the city, seeking their own adventures and lives. And his parents wanted to spend their time traveling the world and spending time together without the kids around.

In an arrangement with his parents, Kieth rented the house from them, ensuring its upkeep and the timely payment of all the bills. It was a generous deal that allowed him to have a comfortable and familiar place to live in Philly, which he planned to eventually take over and dominate the local music scene.

Kieth's life had taken an interesting turn since he began dating Pico. Through Pico, he had been introduced to a group of....unique individuals, they being Nene and Darnell. They were Pico's closest friends, each with their own eccentricities and unconventional careers that perfectly bounced off Pico's. Though those details remained hidden from most.

Pico and his friends had a knack for finding themselves in all kinds of trouble due to their "work," which often required them to lay low for a while. Kieth would often get calls in the middle of the night from Pico, and by extension his friends, with varying degrees of ridiculousness.


"Babe! We need to crash at your place for the night!"

"What'd you do this time...?"

"Don't worry about that, just let us in!"

"Darnell burned something he wasn't supposed to again didn't he?"

"It was one time!"

Tired of being roused from his beauty sleep by frantic calls for help, Kieth hatched a plan.

One evening, he called Nene, Pico, and Darnell together in his living room. With a hint of mischief in his eyes, he handed each of them a spare key to his house. "I figured it'd be easier for you guys if you could just come in when you needed to 'lay low' instead of waking me up in the middle of the night," Kieth explained, a wry smile playing on his lips.

They each look at Kieth, astonished and slightly touched. "Aww, kietthhhyyyy!!!" Nene launches at him and gives him a tight squeeze. "You're the sweetest thing ever!! Pico better take care good of you or I swear I'll never forgive him! Ever!!"

Kieth struggles to breathe as he smiles at Nene, "No worries Nene!" Kieth says while gasping for air. "Pico takes great care of me. And it's no problem at all! Just don't bring the police to my house. Ack!"

"Nene! Hands off! Let him breathe!" Darnell pulls Nene away from Kieth. "Sorry about that, she gets overly excited when people do nice things for her." "Which is why we don't do nice things for her." Pico says with a snicker. "Hey! Asshole!" Nene shrieked, "Kieth is too good for you, hmph!" Nene turns her nose up at Pico and snarks half-heartedly at him. She knows he's not being serious. That's just how their friendship was.

Kieth was happy to see that they accepted the keys with gratitude. Not thinking much of it at the time, Kieth believed it was a convenient solution to their late-night escapades, and he didn't anticipate any further consequences.

Little did he know that this seemingly innocent gesture would set off a chain of events that would take their friendship into uncharted territory.

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