Chapter 2: Unofficial Roommates

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As time passed, Pico, Nene, and Darnell gradually made themselves at home in Kieth's spacious house. What started as the occasional late-night visit soon evolved into something more permanent. They had unofficially claimed their own guest rooms, complete with personalized touches.

Each had their own set of mugs and favorite plates, their tastes reflected in the small details scattered throughout the house. The once-pristine walls began to showcase a variety of posters and decorations, each mirroring their unique personalities and styles.

Kieth, at first taken aback by the sudden transformation of his home, quickly realized that he didn't mind it at all. In fact, he welcomed the lively presence of his friends. Loneliness had begun to creep in, and now, his house felt more like a home.

On any given day, Kieth could wake up to find one or all of them lounging somewhere in the house. Darnell, after a grueling day of college classes or drafting blueprints for his pyrotechnic inventions, would take an occasional nap on the living room couch. You couldn't miss him though. Everyone knew it was nap time when you walked in on Darnell's egregious snoring.

"Whew, he could shake the whole house down with that snoring, huh?" Nene says with a slight grimace to her smile.

"Tell me about it. I don't mind though. Reminds me of of my older brothers and how they would snore. You'd think the house was about to be blown down big bad wolf style." Everyone laughed quietly at Kieth's little joke.

"Hey, I just realized I never asked, how many siblings do you got anyway? You said they used to live here right?" Pico whispered curiously. He never did get around to asking about Kieth's family and Kieth never really talks about it.

"Oh yeah I never told you, did I? I have seven siblings."


"Shush Pico!!" Nene and Kieth scream whisper.

"Sorry." Pico whispers sheepishly. Darnell doesn't get a lot of sleep. The crazy bastard works himself too hard. Pico and Nene always get on him about that but he always insist on staying up for "just one more hour" to tweak this or that. Waking Darnell up when he's resting is a sin punishable by severe scorn in this friend group.

"Did your parents fuck like rabbits or what?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Nene."

"I would actually, Pico."

Pico and Kieth proceed to give Nene the side eyeing of a lifetime.

Pico had made himself comfortable in Kieth's room, much to Kieth's amusement. He knew that Pico was fully and comfortably laying his claim when he started to see Pico's wide variety of weapons lined up in his closet.

"Hmm, maybe I should add a second closet in this room. Lord knows I don't want gun powder on my good clothes." He chuckled to himself, thinking it was now "their" room. It was a peculiar but endearing arrangement, and Kieth found it surprisingly comforting.

Nene, with her penchant for fashion and design, had turned one of the rooms into her creative sanctuary. Glitter and bits of fabric adorned the countertops, evidence of her continuous work. It was a chaotic sort of order, one that Kieth couldn't help but admire. Nene even designed and outfitted him a new ensemble to show her appreciation.

Some nights, Kieth would waddle down stares in the middle of the night, half-asleep, only to be awakened by the sound of cereal being poured into bowls and the silent, ominous vibes of Pico and Darnell. They'd sit at the kitchen table, eyes heavy with exhaustion, munching on dry cereal.

"No milk?" Kieth says in a groggy tone.

"Nah." Pico says in a hoarse voice.

Darnell would silently offer Kieth some, and with a tired smile, Kieth would often accept, savoring the simple moments of camaraderie before drifting back to sleep at the table, and being carried back to bed by Pico.

Kieth cherished these moments. His house was no longer just a house; it had transformed into a shared space filled with the energy and presence of his friends. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

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