2; summer dress.

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emily walked down the stairs hearing the blender l going off, she walked through confused. "what's going on?" she asked, "making my cure for conrad, he's hungover," jere told her as he tilted his head towards the other room, she walked over to it finding him laying on the couch with his head pressed up into a pillow.

"karma from last night coming back to get ya, huh?" she told him, smiling cockily because she didn't get drunk like he did. "you're speaking too loud," he tells her, "hey, here," jere says walking through and handing the smoothie to him, emily sat down on the couch beside him. "thank you," conrad said quietly.

"where you off to?" emily asks jere, "me and steven are going to work,"

"come on, man! hurry your ass up, alright? i can't be late for my first day of work," "we won't, we're good," "come on, man," steven said as he whacked jeremiah's ass as he walked past, "ooh!" he said.

"those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard, man, they won't know what hit 'em," steven says, "god steven would you shut up for once?" emmy says to him, "steven, i swear to god..," "what?" "come on, laurel. my boys got to get that bread," "thank you!" steven says happy that jere was siding with him.

conrad looked at emmy, a smiley look on her face. he saw that as a bad sign, "em..," "you were quite drunk last night, huh?" she says, "don't remind me,"

"good morning," emily heard jeremiah say from
the other room as he was cooking breakfast, "belly, where have you been?" laurel said worried, "is that a bruise?" "um, i-i bumped into someone," "you bumped into someone?" laurel questioned, "doesn't look that bad," conrad said to her once he was sat up.

"um, cereal?" jeremiah asks belly, "yeah, hit me," "sure," he responds, susannah comes running downstairs with a big smile spread across her face, "oh, my god! belly is gonna be a debutante," she says giggling and hugging her, "it's really not that big of a deal," "i'm sorry. like, belly? like, my sister? like, that thing right there?" steven said pointing at belly, "shut up, cretin," she responds angrily.

emily patted conrad's shoulder before standing and walking over to belly, "i'm sure you'll do great," she said smiling, "okay, this is gonna be so much fun. just you wait. there is, uh... there's the tea, the auction, the ball, of course, the rehearsal. i got to write this down," susannah blurts out, she gasped. "we need to go shopping," she says finally making belly laugh, "this sounds.. expensive," "oh, don't worry, laur. it's on me," susannah reassures her, "it was my idea after all, and we still need to style you for your book party, so...,"

"belly, are you sure you want to do this?" laurel asked, "it doesn't seem very you,"

"it's not," conrad says from the other room, emily looked over at him confused. "conrad, could you please be a little more supportive? now, which one of you is gonna be belly's escort to the ball?" susannah asked the boys, "not me. i went last year and the year before," "yeah, and i swore off balls," jeremiah says, gaining a small smile from the middle conklin child, thinking childishly but clearly she wasn't the only one, her brother then burst out with a laugh.

"the dances, dude!" jeremiah corrects himself.

"wow, guys. stop fighting over me," belly laughs sarcastically, "um, i'm not going with either of you. i am going to find my own date," belly says.

"wikipedia says debutante balls require instruction in morals and social etiquette," laurel says as she continues to scroll on her computer.

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