3; summer nights.

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emily didn't get up until late the next day. she heard steven trying to check in on her a few times, worried that she hadn't gotten up. she never stayed in bed all day, she wasn't that type of girl, she was a morning girl. she would always be up in time to have breakfast, maybe go for a walk or a swim? and she'd normally have plenty energy, so much that it even drove steven insane some times.

but not today. today was not a good day for her.

her mom barged into her room, "emily you are kidding me. it is eleven and you aren't even out of bed yet. it's your sisters birthday and you haven't even bothered to get up and celebrate it with us all! get up!" she yelled. emmy had forgotten. it was belly's birthday and she'd forgotten.

her mom walked out, slamming the door behind her. emmy sat up on her bed, rummaging through her drawers to find clothes and to try find belly's gift that she'd shoved away somewhere.

she rushed into belly's room once she was dressed, "there you are! i thought you'd died or something," belly joked as she smiled at her sister, "i'm so sorry," she said to her, "it's fine," she promises.

"here..," she says as she holds out a present to her, "thank you..," she said to her. belly always seemed happiest on her birthday, it was the one day the boys treated her fairly.

she unwrapped the gift, finding a dress that emmy had bought for her before they had left, "oh my god, i love it," she admired the gift before wrapping her arms tightly around emmy, "thank you emily,"

"it's no problem,"

she held the dress up against herself, looking in the mirror. "so, what else did you get?" she asks her.

"oh, well. i got a charm for my bracelet from jere, this necklace from susannah," she says as she shows off her pearls, "mom got me a book with susannah's favourite poem and steven got me a princeton hoodie so i don't steal his," she said giggling to herself, "what about conrad?" emily questioned, confused why she hadn't said what he had gotten her, she went silent for a moment, "well, um... he said he forgot," she shrugged her shoulders.


that wasn't right. conrad wouldn't have forgotten belly's birthday. "i don't know, i thought it was strange..," belly went on, "yeah, that's not like him,"

"yeah.. it's nothing though. i wasn't expecting anything anyways. but i've got to go, me and jere are going to practice driving and then pick up taylor," "okay, you have fun. i'll see you three when you get back," she said giving her sister another hug, "happy birthday bells,"

emily was lounging outside by the pool while taylor and belly talked, "conrad is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this bikini," taylor says to belly "no, i doubt it

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emily was lounging outside by the pool while taylor and belly talked, "conrad is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this bikini," taylor says to belly "no, i doubt it. i honestly think he couldn't care less," "come on, belly," "no, seriously. he didn't even get me a present this year," she explains to her best friend, "what?" "yeah, he claimed he forgot," "ugh, what a little bitch," "yeah..," she responds to taylor's comment on him, emily continued on reading, zoning out of their conversations.

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