9; love scene.

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emmy quietly gathered a few things, shoving them into a bag, her phone buzzing a few times in her back pocket.

i'm in my car on my way to your house

how far away are you?

four hours away

just made it to CT

passed NYC

i'm here

she shoved her phone back in her back pocket, picking up her bag and trying to be as silent as she could, sneaking out from her room and down the stairs. she rushed outside to his car, she opened the passenger door.

"hi," she said smiling wide at him, "hey," he responds, "i can't believe you're here," "yeah, me neither,"

she got in beside him, tossing her bag down onto the floor. "you didn't bring a coat?" he asks her, "uh, i forgot, but i'm not cold," she says to him as she tugs her sweater down around her wrists. without hesitation he takes off his jumper, "put this on," he said as he tugged it off over his head, making her giggle.

he tossed it over to her, "want to go to the beach?" "yeah!" she said excitedly, she had never been to cousins in the winter time before, she couldn't wait.

he kept looking over to her, staring into her eyes with a small smile on his face, so glad to be there with her. "come on, what are we waiting for?" she said as she kissed his cheek, "lets go," "alright,"

she put his jumper on over hers, he knew her too well. he started to drive, it wouldn't be long until they were at cousins. she couldn't wait.

emmy was sneaking out of the house, closing her bedroom door behind her with her bag hanging over her shoulder

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emmy was sneaking out of the house, closing her bedroom door behind her with her bag hanging over her shoulder. she heard belly's door open from behind her, "emily?" she said quietly, she froze before slowly turning to look at her little sister.

"hi bells..," she said awkwardly, really thinking she wouldn't have been caught by someone in the house as she snuck out.

"please don't say anything to mom. i'm going out, i might be gone for a few days, i don't know. cover for me," she begged her. "emmy where are you going?" she asked her, she didn't know if she should tell her or not. she kind of froze in that moment.

"emmy, come on. tell me,"

"i need to go see jere, conrad has gone missing. he won't answer my calls or jere's. he wanted my help,"

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