29• Lázuri Niah Scott

375 58 0

Cause if I want you, and I want you babe
Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space
Cause space was just a word made up by someone who's after to get too close,

Since I started preparing some of André's meals, I came to know his favourites and to realize this man fits in nicely.

Mih granny would a love him.

Rice and peas on a Sunday, though he is introduced to Sunday Monday by Saint. So, he always let's me put a dish aside for that day. He eats it for breakfast by the way.

Soups on a Saturday, he wouldn't mind drinking it every day. Manish water, pumpkin and beef are his favourites.

Mih nuh go mek a mistake one day and bring soup from what Dainty mek come here. Dih man tek out some and heat it in him microwave. A dih sum'n mih smell and come find him a enjoy it.

Brite nuh rawse.

Dih man give mih the peas soup wah Milani prepared and tek mih Manish water soup. Mih should a tell him fih nuh ramp wid indian and dem goat. Upset mih to this day.

He loves roast breadfruit in curry gravy, provisions filled in coconut and salt mackerel rundung, all types of puddings and natural juices or smoothies.

Most of all, he loves the fruits.

Mih guh visit daddy and because the man heard good things from Uncle Vince, him send fruits fih the boss.

Now mih inna dih kitchen a wash and cut up the sum'n dem while him inna him office a work as usual.

Oh man, oh man,
I am not really known for ever being speechless,
But now, but now
Somehow my words roll off my tongue right unto your lips, oh...


"Cause if I want you, and I want you babe
Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space
Cause space was just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close..." I sang softly.

Plating equal amount of fruits into the clear containers, one for each use but knowing André, he'll eat fruits all day.

Mih done and move to the hardest task. It nuh stop smell up the place.

"That is a jackfruit, right?"

I jumped a bit from fright and looked at him at the doorway.

"Sorry." He chuckled and came in with his computer under his arm.

"Yep." I nod, passing him a bowl when he sits there staring.

"Are they all this sweet?" He inquired, putting it in his mouth.

"They all are like this. Dainty said it can make juice too, or are you okay with eating it as a snack?"

"Being a snack is fine." He answered so I hummed and continued separating the seed from the food.

Mih nuh like eh statement him just use.

Him a flirt or sum'n?

It's bad enough that daddy gave him the largest jackfruit and it's more work for me.

Dickmatized Dainty (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now